Chapter 35 Jack vs. Tommy

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Tommy awoke at six thirty elated. A large smile was plastered across his face and joy filled every part of his body...He had never felt so happy as he did at that moment.  He was on the verge of victory and nothing could destroy his mood. Even if the world was going to end in the next few moments he would die with the satisfaction that he successfully destroyed Jack's life.

Tommy had breakfast with his mom and then they headed off to school where he met his father.  He had hoped to get an apology from his father doubting him. For not believing that he was the victim. But he offered none.

Fine he thought. I will find other ways to make you sorry he thought.

Tommy strutted into Mrs. Starnes office with a look of victory plastered across his face. He looked in delight at Jack who was seated with his father looking at the floor. He squirmed a little in his seat. He guessed his bottom still stung from the beating he recieved from his father last night.

Good he thought. I hope your backside hurts for a long time.

"Please have a seat." Mrs. Starnes said.

The three sat down. Tommy's mother glowering at Jack while his father's face remained neutral.

"Thank you for coming in this morning." Starnes said.

"No problem." His father said.

"I just hope that we are here to hear some apologies." His mother said her eyes boring into Jack who seemed to shrink before them. "Or I am going to be forced to call the police about this young man's atrocious behavior."

"Don't worry you will be hearing apologies today." Jason said with a cough.  "Jack." Jack looked up at his father whose eyes narrowed and he said in a stern voice "Now Jack."

Jack got up, rubbed his backside and stood in front of Tommy whose eyes sparkled with delight.. He looked haggard, as if he was drained of the will to live. There were large bags under his red eyes like he had not gotten a moment of sleep. He wanted to laugh but restrained himself.

I'll laugh later he thought.

His mother grinned with satification at the pitiful sight before her.

Concern flickered in Tommy's father's eyes as he began to wonder if Jason had actually beaten the boy. He looked at Starnes face betrayed no emotion.

"Tommy." He said as his voice shook. "Tommy I'm sorry for how I treated you. I'm sorry that I had Thea dump you for my brother, that I humiliated you at my party, that I had my family and friend bully you." He then looked away in shame. "I'm sorry I chased you last night." He then hung his head. "I only hope that you can forgive me."

"Forgive you." Tommy said incredulously. "Don't make me laugh." He shook with rage as he stood up. "I will never forgive you, you stupid jerk." He then balled up his fists and took a menacing step towards him. "You were my best friend and you stabbed me in the back." Tears began to fill his eyes. "You know how it feels to have the one person you trust most in the world turn on you. Humiliate and embarrass you and tell horrible lies about you."

Jack then winced.

"I hate you." He yelled as his body began to shake with rage.  " You are nothing but a disgusting creep and you deserved to get beat with a belt last night.   I'm glad your dad made you get rid of your dog and I hope you rot at that boarding school he's sending you to."

"Tommy." Jack said in a soft tone.

"What!" He screamed.

Jack looked up at him with a triumphant smile across his face. "How did you know that?"

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