Chapter One

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A Typical Day in Hogsmeade

Eveline stared at the scene before her with absolute bemusement. She had undergone an incredibly strenuous and difficult three years as an Auror in training. She excelled at all her marks, to include stealth and tracking, and resilience training. Eveline was the top distinguished graduate and one of the youngest Aurors to have ever graduated. Long days and even longer nights spent studying, and this is what she had to show for it.

The three students looked at her with a guilt-ridden faces. They had to be first years after all-they looked like puppies who'd taken a proper shit on the floor and were very sorry about it.

"Stealing." Eveline reflected with her hands on her hips, "In what world did you think any of you would get away without paying?"

The Slytherin student who appeared to be the leader of the pack scowled. His hair was black and slicked back with far too much gel. "We didn't think it was stealing. It said buy one chocolate frog, get one free."

It seemed the Hufflepuff was the only one with common sense as she promptly smacked him in the back of the head, "We didn't even buy the first one. She's right, we did steal."

"Innocent until proven guilty. You just snitched on us." The other Slytherin reflected, his hair a strawberry blonde color. He had on glasses that were far too big for him, but bowed his head when Eveline shot him a look.

The Auror glanced between the three students, "You lot will go apologize to Mr. Redding and hope he doesn't decide to press charges. Now."

Her stern tone left no room for arguing as they all headed inside. She had been minding her own business on patrol when she heard them giggling and bragging about not having been seen. If they had kept their mouths shut, no one would have noticed. Certainly not the setting-sun, ginger haired Auror. Her keen, grey eyes caught them quicker than a sneaking Graphorn.

She walked with them into the hurried and bustling store front. A few people stopped to gaze at her, recognizing the midnight blue trench coat she wore with decorated golden string and buttons tying the coat together.

Patrick Redding, the middle aged man at the cashier spotted her with a curious expression. He was balding with a burly mustache. "Officer Seabrooke. What brings you here today? Care to try our latest flavor of Salt Water Taffy?"

Eveline peered down at the students with a raised eyebrow, "Why are we here today?"

With a haggard sigh, the ring leader held out the six boxes of chocolate frogs. "We stole these."

The candy store owner frowned, "Have you no money?"

"No." The Hufflepuff looked away, embarrassed, "We're sorry."

Her heart strings were pulled. She bit the inside of her cheek and inwardly sighed, pulling out a few galleons, "Here's the money for the chocolate. If I catch any of you stealing again, I'm going to ship you off to Mr. Redding here and he can make blood lollipops out of all of you."

"We are running low." Mr. Redding reflected with an evil smile as he took the money.

The students looked scared, "Yes Ma'am!" And they promptly ran off.

"You just got swindled." A deep voice drawled out to her left.

Eveline looked over to see a Wizard around her age. He was quite tall with broad shoulders and tanned skin. Freckles were splattered across his face and his dark russet hair was styled in a tousled sort of manner. He wore black trousers with a matching overcoat and a viridian paisley vest. With a smirk on his face, Eveline decided immediately that she didn't like him. He looked at her like a lion playing with its food.

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