Chapter Eleven

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Sebastian looked dazed as if snapping out of a dream, and glanced up at her. "Goodnight Pumpkin."

"Goodnight." And she left in a hurry.

Had she not remembered he had been drinking... Would she have let Sebastian Sallow kiss her? Why would she let that happen? He was more than nice to look at, but-but it was Sebastian.

Eveline barely knew anything about him and he was one big mystery with no answers at every turn. If anything, only more questions rose. She could keep her feelings of desire in check, but she refused to have any sort of feelings for a man she didn't know. Falling for a guy like him and knowing nothing would be a straight, floo powder trip to a broken heart. Sebastian was off-limits to lust over, to fall for-anything and everything under the sun. He was just a coworker from the office. A very attractive, witty, strong-stop.


Reality is a Slap in the Face

Eveline carried the metal tin of hot griddled treats into the Office. The lid was partially open only to let the steam out. The crumpets were freshly baked this morning in the comfort of her home. She couldn't sleep after the eventful night. If it wasn't the Headmaster's words or thinking about getting punched in an alley-it was the question of how it would feel to kiss a certain Scotsman that invaded her thoughts. Her cheeks tinged red at the thought. Did she need to join a nunnery? Repent her sins? Obliviate herself from last nights encounter?

Sebastian didn't look that much better sitting on the edge of her desk. There were dark circles forming under his eyes and he looked hungover. Eveline really needed to conjure a stool for him. His head raised like a wolf's, sniffing the air as the scent hit his nose. He eyed the container she was carrying, "Is that you? Did you bring something?"

"The smell? Yes, fresh crumpets." Eveline set the box down, "Help yourself. There's blueberry jam as well."

His eyes brightened and he wasted no time pushing the lid off and taking one of the small griddle cakes. She preferred them to English muffins and it seemed he did as well. He put a generous slather of sweet jam on top. "What bakery did you stop at?"

Eveline grimaced, "It's a secret. Is it good?"

Considering that the noise Sebastian made when the taste hit his mouth was downright sinful and sent exceedingly dirty thoughts to her mind, Eveline figured it at least passed his standards. She saw a head pop up over her cubicle wall and looked up to see Garreth.

"What in the bloody hell was-" He began, but then he spotted her familiar carry tin. "Did you make crumpets again?"

As he made his way over there, Sebastian shoved the tin behind him. Garreth scowled, seeing the griddled hot bread had disappeared. However, the smell was still prominent and he saw it peeking behind Sebastian's back. When he reached for it, a loud smack reverberated around the cubicle.

Garreth held his hand against his chest and looked at the russet wizard reproachfully. "Those aren't only yours. Eveline bakes all the time."

She smiled, nodding. "I did remember you liked those blueberry scones though. Happy Birthday Sebastian."

Her partner blinked, quickly swallowing the large bite of crumpet he had taken. He looked at Garreth and snatched the bread from his hand, "So they are only mine. Bugger off Weasley."

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