Chapter Six

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Setting a couple galleons on the table, she nodded to the pumpkin juice. "This should cover the drink.

"You haven't even touched it yet." Garreth pointed out, standing up. "Why don't you stay a while."

Eveline shook her head, "The cauldron's at home you see. Need to head there."

"Then I'll walk you home."

"I can walk myself."

"It's dark out, it's dangerous."

"I'm an Auror, I can handle this much." Eveline started heading towards the door and waved.

Was she supposed to feel bad about ditching him? And was she supposed to be wishing it had been someone else keeping her company?

I've Heard About You

Professor Weasley gazed at them with a scornful expression rather than the gratuitous one she expected. Well, her hostilities were more directed at the oblivious Slytherin than her. Sebastian was looking at the barrels leading to the Hufflepuff Common Room with keen interest. Eveline wasted no time tapping on the barrels to the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff.

"It's been a knocking pattern this whole time?" He scratched his head, "Do you know how many times I've been doused in vinegar?"

Professor Weasley narrowed her eyes, "And why were you trying to enter the Hufflepuff Common Room in the first place, Mr. Sallow?"

"Curiosity of course." Sebastian beamed with the same tone of voice Odysseus may have used to fool the cyclops.

Eveline took the opportunity to insert herself into the conversation, "Shall we head in? I'm eager to see what the former Minister has to say."

Professor Weasley nodded and she entered into the Common Room first. The room was lit in the ambience of a warm sunny day. Vegetation and different flowers hung from the ceiling in a myriad of beautiful colors. The subtle scent of lavender swirled around the room calming her down instantly. It felt like home. More so than her own one bedroom cottage did. There were a few brown, worn leather couches placed around the room. She spotted the one closest to a bookshelf where she often spent many days and nights reading.

"I'll be waiting by the door. The students have been directed to steer clear of the room room for an hour. I trust that all parties present conduct themselves in a proper manner." Professor Weasley noted sternly, eyes flickering in Sebastian's direction.

A smirk toyed on his lips, but before he could say something to get them both in trouble, Eveline nodded, "Understood Professor."

Once she was out of earshot, Sebastian mimicked her, "Understood Professor. You're a goody two shoes aren't you?"

"Sebastian." She said calmly, "Would you like to puke slugs again?"

He wrinkled his nose in disgust, "It was merely a jest, pumpkin. No need to overreact."

They walked over to the portrait of Eldritch Diggory who wore early 18th century clothing. His hair was grey and tied back, looking at them with a concerning expression.

"Sir? My name is Eveline Seabrooke. I'm an Auror from Whitehall and this is my partner, Sebastian Sallow." She smiled politely up at the portrait.

His voice was light and full of relief, recognizing her uniform as a variation of one from the last hundred years. "Allow me to introduce myself. So few students know who I am these days, thus it's refreshing to be treated with due respect. Eldritch Diggory. Former Minister for Magic and founder of the Auror Recruitment Programme, at your service." He gestured to himself, bowing slightly before continuing, "I believe you can help solve a decades-old murder."

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