Chapter Nine

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At that exact moment, an entire two tier, purple cake fell on top of Sebastian's head. Eveline's eyes widened as she watched a hand come down and further smush the cake down on his head. Purple icing covered his hair and as the cake broke apart, she idly noticed it was vanilla.

"Dear me," She looked up to see a brown haired wizard whose hair was lighter than Sebastian's. It was also straight and combed to the side neatly. What stood out besides his dark black suit and elegant features was the fact that he was blind. "Sorry mate, I didn't see you there."

Sweet as Wormwood

Eveline reached up, wiping a bit of frosting from Sebastian cheek, and licked her finger. It was sweet and tasted like pure sugar. "What a waste of a perfectly good cake."

"No one special, eh?" The wizard appeared to be around her age if not a few years older. By his furious expression, it seemed that he was well acquainted with Sebastian. "If that's how you refer to your twin sister, I'd hate to hear how you talk about me."

Sebastian was beginning to pull clumps of cake and frosting from his head and placed it next to him on the desk. Eveline blinked. "You're cleaning my little office, I hope you know that."

"It's a good thing we're partners. You can help me." He quipped before turning his face towards the blind wizard, "I knew I'd see you eventually, Ominis."

Ominis made a hmph noise. "Wish I could say the same...Instead of sending her a birthday cake every year, it would be nice for you to actually show up. If it weren't for me hearing Garreth complain about you-I never would have known you worked here now."

"It's a temporary setback." He muttered.

Eveline perked up, "Did you say you heard Garreth? When?"

"Earlier today." Ominis replied to her and then held his hand out, "Sorry love, I didn't realize this was your office. I thought it was his. I'm Ominis Gaunt, one of the curse breakers here at D.M.L.E."

She smiled, shaking his hand in greeting. "Pleasure. I'm Eveline Seabrooke, an Auror. You have great taste in cake."

"I have great taste." Sebastian reflected. He had manage to get all the large pieces of cake off his shoulders, lap, and head. But frosting was smeared everywhere. It was going to take a long time to clean that out of his hair especially with it being rather curly. "He's a bigot."

Ominis raised an eyebrow, "I'd say I'm quite tolerant of you." Nothing else was said, but a dark look passed both their faces.

Curiosity piqued, but Eveline knew she wasn't close enough to Sebastian yet to pry. "Did I hear a birthday?"

"Yes. It's Sebastian and Anne's birthday tomorrow. This bloody idiot sends a birthday cake every year and yet there's always a reason why he can't show up."

"Then it's a good thing he's got nothing to do tomorrow." Eveline observed, fighting a smile at the glower Sebastian sent her.

His lip curled up, showing his canine as he was absolutely irritated. "Who are you to decide whether or not I have plans."

Eveline pointed to her journal, "Dear diary, Sebastian has no plans tomorrow. Mostly due to the fact that he pissed me off earlier and I need a break from his infuriating presence."

"Nope. You're stuck with me, Pumpkin." He flicked a piece of cake towards her and she frowned, wiping it off her uniform. "We should tell Lucian we saw Garreth so he's not crying in a corner somewhere because you aren't returning his affections."

You're Losing Me | Sebastian Sallow Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now