Chapter Thirty Four

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"I suppose 'Let him go' isn't going to cut it." Eveline blatantly ignored the lump in her throat, staring at Rookwood with hatred. "What do you want?"

Rookwood nodded, "There's an agreeable woman. I want to make a deal."

"And why would I make a deal with a Dark wizard?" She gritted out.

He barked out a laugh, "Because you're fucking one so this will be tame for you." Gazing at her evenly, he held out his hand. "Give me the book and stay away from Garreth Weasley."

Surprise flashed across her face. "How do you....?"

"Love, I have eyes everywhere. I wasn't sure where he'd been hiding his notes and you found them for me." He smiled happily, "Now make your choice. The book or this foolish Wizard's life?"

Eveline watched as he walked over to Sebastian. He placed the tip of his wand against his head.

"The choice is yours."

A Fate Worse Than Death

Eveline frowned, torn between the man she loved and the book that was evidence of what Rookwood and Singer were up to.

"Maybe you are Edmond Dantès," Eveline mused with a forlorn expression, "You both end up captured."

A confused look flashed across Sebastian's face, but he said nothing. Delight flooded through her, but Eveline was careful to keep her face blank now. Dantés was the leading character from The Count of Monte Cristo-Sebastian's arbitrarily favorite novel. There was no chance he wouldn't understand this reference. Also...He has been quiet this entire time. No snarky quips or remarks; he was looking pitiful on the ground. If there was something Eveline could count on, it would be Sebastian being a sarcastic asshole regardless of the situation--even if he was face to face with a Hebridean Dragon looking to eat him. He'd probably say something stupid about him tasting delicious and wink at her.

"Wouldn't killing Sebastian ruin your plans for revenge?" She turned her attention back to the wizard in charge as she fought for time, trying to think of a new plan.

Rookwood raised an eyebrow with a cunning smile, "You doubt me?"

"He killed your father." Anger flickered in his eyes and she smiled. Emotions made people predictable. She began to pace, circling him as she was now in control. "If you kill him, then you wouldn't have to spend your entire life absorbed in what another man is doing. Who he's fucking. Kind of creepy, isn't it?"

He kept his eyes on her, his lip curling in disdain. "You two are perfect for each other."

"I keep hearing that." Eveline grinned, "Which makes me think that I probably know him better than you do."

Realization had just started to set in when she used wand-less magic to Accio her wand back to her and she pointed to the fake Sebastian, "Wingardium Leviosa." She threw him into Rookwood, watching as they both tumbled to the ground. She almost felt bad. Almost.

Eveline turned her attention to the man who had brought her here, "Where are we?"

The Ashwinder held his hands up defensively, "Hideout underneath the Hogs Head. You won't be able to Apparate like us."

You're Losing Me | Sebastian Sallow Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora