Chapter Four

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"Diffindo." Sebastian threw the magic towards the Troll which was standing in between them. Eveline flinched, but then realized that the Troll would take the severing charm in it's entirety. That was what she thought until she watched as the Troll tripped over its own feet and smack into the ground. Incredibly enough, it stayed on the ground having been defeated with hitting its own head hard enough against the ground.

The severing charm was heading straight towards her. She let out a surprised noise before recoiling and launching herself to the ground. She felt the charm barely miss her, but did hear a tear noise.

Eveline stood up as Sebastian took one look at her before immediately turning around. Her eyebrows furrowed, but then she felt a cold draft and looked down. She'd avoided being cut by the charm, but her coat and skirt had been ripped along her right side. It was as if she was wearing one of the promiscuous dresses with a high slit. The tops of her Chantilly lace stockings were showing along with a generous view of her hips and behind. Heat flooded her cheeks.

She was going to kill him.

It's a Pumpkin

Sebastian was still staring up at the darkening sky as she glared at him, using a mending charm on her outfit. He was silhouetted by the setting sun, revealing that his dark brown hair was actually russet in the light indicative of his Scottish roots.

Pointing her wand towards his torso, she gritted out, "Slugulus Eructo."

"Protego." He hastily cast, but it was too late. Almost immediately, he put a hand to his stomach and hunched over. Drool escaped his mouth as he parted his lips and a small slimy brown slug hit the ground with a soft thud. "I thought-" he puked up another slug, "-you were an auror-" Another slug, "-mac na galla."

Eveline raised her eyebrows, "Sorry I don't speak Gaelic."

Sebastian shot her a venomous look, reaching into his inner coat pocket to reveal treacle fudge. He tore off a piece from the block and popped it in his mouth. After swallowing, the color returned to his face and he was furious. "What was that for?"

"Why do you have fudge in your pocket?" Eveline countered.

He opened his coat pocket to reveal a bunch of sugar quills as well, "I had a coupon for one purchase and get ten free quills."

Realization dawned on her. "You used the students' point card?"

"Hold on. That's not the issue right now."

Sebastian strolled towards her and didn't stop until he was a couple feet away. She looked up at him with an expectant and dismal expression. "The only issue here is you not watching where you cast your spells. What if I didn't dodge the severing charm?"

"As if I knew the bloody troll would trip over its own feet." He gestured haphazardly to the dead troll, "You intentionally casted the slug vomiting charm on me."

Eveline smiled brightly. "You're right. And your breath smells like it." She covered her nose, "Let's head back to Ricketts and let her know its been done."

"Wheesht." Sebastian grumbled something else under his breath, but she chose to blatantly ignore it.

They walked back to the cottage where Alexandra sat next to the fire on a wooden stool. Sebastian walked next to the fire, holding his hands out over the open flame while also taking another bite of treacle fudge.

You're Losing Me | Sebastian Sallow Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now