Chapter Ten

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Eveline took a step forward to say something when a hand was placed on her shoulder. She went to spin around when her surroundings changed. She was no longer in the esteemed Headmaster's Office at Hogwarts. Instead she recognized the shady alley near the Three Broomsticks in the fast approaching setting sun. It would be dark within the next twenty minutes. But she wasn't alone.

The Dark wizard who had Apparated her out of Hogwarts wore a skeletal mask and an all black uniform that had a hood. There were no distinguishable features. As four more similar dressed Wizards stepped out of the shadows or Apparated, Eveline realized she was completely surrounded in the tiny space.

And they all had their wands pointed at her.

The Private Room

Eveline kept her eyes on the Dark wizard who brought her here. She maintained focus while also remaining cognizant of the men behind her.

"You do realize that assaulting an Auror is punishable up to a life sentence in Azkaban? Is that where you all want to end up?" Eveline questioned in an icy tone.

In front of her, she saw his shoulders shake in a silent laugh. "Do you think we're afraid of Azkaban?"

"Yes, otherwise you'd show me your faces." She pointed out.

One of them behind her spoke, "You'll be dead and no one will worry about finding a body. They certainly won't look for Helen's."

Her blood ran cold. They won't look for Helen's.

"You killed Helen Thistlewood?" Eveline asked with absolute clarity.

The man in front of her nodded, "She begged us not to go after you. Gave in easily when we lied. Foolish woman, honestly."

"Glacius." The man didn't have the opportunity to dodge it as he froze over.

Eveline turned, facing the other Dark wizards. "Who's foolish now?"


She ducked, avoiding the ball of fire as it went over her head, "Expelliarmus."

As one of their wands flew through the air, she watched in satisfaction as it snapped in half being sent against a wall. Two down. Three to go.


Her eyes widened and she jumped to the side, colliding with one of the wizards. He grabbed her wrist painfully that held the wand and as she heard the casting of Diffindo, she turned them over so that he was on top. The spell hit him instead, causing a pained noise to escape him. She kicked him off just as he aimed his wand towards her.

"Depulso." She beat him to it and watched as he was expelled backwards into one of his other henchmen and they both collided with a bunch of empty barrels.

"What is all that blasted racket?" She heard a feminine voice and saw Sirona at the entrance to the Alley.

One of the remaining Dark wizards stood up from around the barrels, "No witnesses."

Eveline didn't have time to mend her wrist, "Incarcerous."

He fell back on top of the unconscious Dark wizard now wrapped in an unbreakable rope. That brought her total up to three incapacitated and two more to go.

"Sirona, get out of here." She shouted desperately, looking between both the wizards and pointed at the floor, "Incendio."

The bottom of their robes caught on fire and they stomped it out as Sirona ran back into the tavern. They both ran towards her and she went to point her wand again when pain shot up her arm. Her wand clattered to the ground just as one of the wizards brought her hands behind her back and the other wizard stood in front of her.

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