Chapter Twenty

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"Plans?" Garreth shifted his attention to Eveline, "What plans do you have with him? Is it not enough to spend every waking moment with him already?"

There were two ways to play this. Make him annoyed or make Sebastian annoyed. She chose option three. Annoy them both. "The kind of plans that don't involve you. And it's not to spend time with him, I told his sister I'd make her some desserts for her birthday. You all have a fantastic day."

She spun around without sparing any one of them a glance. It was a great bravado, but Eveline also needed some time to herself. She needed to think about how Sebastian kissed her earlier and it wasn't enough. They'd crossed boundaries and it left both of them wanting to break more. Eveline sighed. She needed to stop by the market on the way home if she were to make Cranachan and Toffee pudding tomorrow.

Dessert Time

Eveline was hurriedly untying her apron, satisfied with the spread in front of her. The table was littered with four dark mahogany wooden trays. On each tray, there were three different desserts on small white gold lined plates. A sad feeling had threatened to ruin her mood as she remembered these were her mother's plates, but then she remembered that her mother loved entertaining guests at their old cottage, and bringing them treats. Now she called into question what kind of guests were they really hosting?

Shaking her head as if to physically rid herself of these thoughts, she looked at each of the desserts. The first was a square piece of sticky toffee pudding cake. The warm amber brown dessert was soaked in a caramelized sauce that made the cake decadently moist. On top she had quickly whipped together a light custard and smiled, hoping Anne would love it.

The next dessert had been easier to make, yet she was the most concerned about it. Scottish Cranachan. It was traditionally made with Scottish raspberries, but the peak season was over. Blueberries were also barely out of season, but Eveline was also quite sure that Sebastian adored them.

From the scones to the jam with crumpets, and to the pie which Ominis asked was still his favorite. Toasting the oats on the stove made the oats emanate a nutty smell. She layered the oats down first. Then she smashed the blueberries down with a fork until they were the same consistency as a thick purée. Lastly, she divided the cream into two different portions. One with a malt whiskey and another without. She purposefully made sure that the one without whiskey would be Ominis' remembering that the smell of whiskey made him nauseous. Anne and Sebastian would have the ones mixed with whiskey whereas she made her without just in case Anne also didn't want some with whiskey. They could easily switch.

After layering the nutty oats, the blueberries, and the cream; she added a light dusting of oats with a drizzle of honey. The third dessert was entirely to do with having too much blueberries left over from the Cranachan and not because she had an inkling Sebastian really enjoyed blueberry desserts. Over a bed of berries was a mixture of flour, butter, sugar, and cinnamon. She made a blueberry cobbler that was still hot from the oven.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

The door cracked open. "Pumpkin? It's us!"


"Sebastian. You can't open the door, this isn't your house." Ominis chastised.

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