Chapter Thirty Six

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"It does. All the main leads in novels are supposed to fall for the woman at first sight."

He raised an eyebrow, "Is that how love works? I'm convinced you fell in love after finding out how skilled I am with my tongue." She tried to let go of his hand, but he held her hand tighter and had a large grin on his face. "Don't worry, Pumpkin. You'll find out I'm skilled in other ways too."

Eveline shook her head and saw the cottage on top of the hill and the garden that likely had the answer they needed. Nothing about the house seemed out of the ordinary. If Leander was living with Cassandra, did that mean she was a Dark witch? As they walked up the steps to knock on the door, Sebastian proceeded to let go of her hand, and put himself first. It annoyed her that he felt the need to be so protective of her when she was more trained than he was, but she understood. It was just who Sebastian was. He'd always be fiercely protective over her. And she didn't completely hate it.

Sebastian went to knock, when the door was opened abruptly. A wand pointed directly at his chest.


The Big Reveal

Pain engulfed Sebastian like falling into a pool of anguish. He gritted his teeth with only a few noises escaping him as the magic wreaked havoc on his body. Gripping the doorway tightly was the only way he was still standing, albeit hunched over. Rage consumed Eveline and she threw the Witch back into the house with a swish of her wand. Her body crashed against a desk filled with various potions which caused a reaction between all the different substances. A sulfuric smell that was almost undetectable began to fill the room. It was Sebastian who noticed it first, genuine fear flashing across his face as he pulled Eveline behind him and slammed the door shut.

"What the-" She almost tripped backwards, but held onto the back of Sebastian's suit jacket, "How did you even smell that so fast?"

He took a few purposeful breaths as the Dark Magic slowly wore off, "I didn't. Not really. But it's the same smell I remember-when I found my parents dead. They died from some sort of toxin like this too."

Eveline saw that Sebastian was obviously bothered. Not because of the Unforgivable, but because she could have died just like his parents had. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he buried his face in her hair; still trying to actively calm down. He pulled away after a minute, placing a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

"Shall we?" He murmured, glancing at something over the top of her head, "Put your hands over your ears, Pumpkin."

She heard the door opening behind her and although she really didn't want to-she covered her ears. Sebastian casted a spell that sounded like Abracadabra. Eveline shook her head after a few moments and turned around to see Cassandra Mason dead on her doorsteps.

"...That must be a strong toxin...huh?" Eveline reflected with a scowl.

Sebastian's smile was too innocent. "Well it did kill my parents." Too soon.

They headed over to the garden, no longer needing to see if they had permission to walk all over private property. One occupant was dead and the other was about to be killed soon. He probably wouldn't mind it if meant helping him. Eveline hoped that with this letter, she'd also be able to clear Leander of crimes he didn't commit. But the stalking, spider venom, and every other crime he committed-he'd be given a fair trial.

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