Chapter Thirty

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Eveline pushed against him weakly, "I'm not done. Dunne, he knew. He knew about the spiders. Leander was buying spider venom."

"I'm not sure what you mean and I don't care. We're going to St. Mungo's." He quipped, Apparating from the cavern with her. The hurried, swirling feeling made her even more dizzy and nauseous. She could smell disinfectant wherever he had Apparated them to and she covered her mouth. "Are you going to vomit?"

She shook her head, using the last of her will strength to push it down. She was starting to get sleepy and rested her head against Sebastian's chest. Idly, she heard yelling coming from him and then someone was trying to put her down on a hospital cot. Eveline struggled weakly, not wanting to leave Sebastian's arms, but then she felt something prick her.

And it all went dark.

Left to Rot

Eveline slowly came back to consciousness as her senses returned to her. Smell and hearing arrived first. The scent of strong cleaner made her nose tickle. Voices were heard at a distance which made her think that she was in a room, isolated from somewhere. Touch. The soft feelings of sheets underneath and over her, and a pillow that was far too hard to be comfortable laid behind her head. Her mouth was dry, making her wonder how long she'd been out. And when she opened her eyes, part of her wished that she saw a familiar Scottish face. A male one in particular.

Ominis was beside her bed, hitting his wand against his knee as he muttered about the stupid thing being useless and it seemed to shock him a little. Hearing rustling, he tilted his head in her direction slightly.

"Eveline? Are you awake?" He asked, listening carefully.

She nodded, clearing her throat. "How long?"

"Three days." Ominis grimaced, waving to catch the attention of a nurse who came strolling in. A short woman with pale blonde hair swept back in a bun looked at her with a hard stare, surprising her. "Patient just woke up."

Not taking her eyes off her, she grabbed the chart. After a moment, she looked down and pursed her lips. "Ah yes, the patient of the week."

"Of the week?" Eveline looked at Ominis confused.

He only smiled as it was the nurse who gritted out, "It took three of our nurses to hold him back and then when we refused to allow your significant other to stay after hours the first night, he refused to leave, snuck in after he was kicked out, and then proceeded to call our male overnight attendant a piece of dungbong. Although his words aren't as kind as mine."

Her lips twitched, fighting a laugh. "Where's Sebastian now?"

"In jail." A full blown grin spread across Ominis' lips, "Don't worry, I'll bail him out. Eventually."

Now a laugh escaped her, "Anne didn't bail him out?"

"She's not aware. Yet."

"How long has it been?"

Ominis pretended to think, "How long have you been asleep?"

Eveline's eyes widened, "Ominis Gaunt-You go bail out Sebastian right now! He's your best friend!"

"He is," Ominis agreed easily, standing up. "And he needs to learn his lesson sometimes." He winked, "I'll let him know you're alive."

She watched in a mixture of amusement and exasperation as Ominis Apparated away. No wonder they were both best friends. They were total arseholes to each other and yet still loved each other dearly like brothers. The nurse checked her arm, nodding to herself silently a couple times and waggling her hand towards the chart where a quill began to jot down the notes in her head.

You're Losing Me | Sebastian Sallow Love StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum