Chapter Seven

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Helen regarded him coolly for a moment. "What is your name again?"

"Sebastian Sallow." He responded, looking at her under his lashes.

Her eyes widened slightly. "I've heard about you."

His gaze darkened, "I'll take it as a compliment."


Azkaban: The Happiest Place On Earth

The tension was palpable in the air as Helen glared at Sebastian. He looked at the elderly lady with a calm and collected gaze. It felt like a facade to her. As if at any moment, the invisible cord binding him would snap and reveal his true feelings. It put Eveline on edge and she tried to reign in both parties.

"Do you want us to help Anne? Is that why Eldritch Diggory sent for an Auror?" She asked, moving slightly to kick Sebastian again, but he caught her Chelsea boot this time with his legs. She tried pulling back, but he wouldn't let go.

Helen nodded, "After spending time in Azkaban, she's a shadow of her former self. She won't speak to anyone she doesn't trust, and she trusts no one. If you-someone young and an Auror-spoke to Anne, she might reveal new information."

An indignant noise came from the back of Sebastian's throat, "You want Eveline to go to Azkaban because you may have put the wrong person in jail? Feeling guilty in your old age are you?"

Eveline was caught off guard. She expected his audacity because let's face it, Sebastian was singlehandedly the most fearless and insolent person she'd ever had the displeasure of meeting. What she didn't expect was...Eveline. Uptight. Miss Auror. You. Pumpkin. This was the first time she'd ever heard her name fall from his lips. His accent caressing each syllable like it was a precious melody. And it was the first time she'd seen him...actually angry. Irritable, exasperated, incredulous-sure.

But he never was cross. Not like this.

"You, boy, can stay in Upper Hogsfield for all I care. In fact, I'd actually prefer you stay behind. Are you an Auror as well? Let me see your badge." Helen demanded, her cheeks turning red as she was also irate.

Eveline interrupted Sebastian, pulling her foot back from his grasp when he was distracted, and stood up. "He's my partner. If you want me to help you, he and I are a package deal."

"What a lousy deal." She reflected in a dull tone, "But you willing to go to Azkaban is wonderful news. You are to be commended for your kindness and bravery. As you know being an Auror, we can Apparate right to her."

Eveline held out her hand to Sebastian which he took and he glared at Helen. "See you there, Eejit."

Luckily Helen Apparated without letting him finish and she looked at him curiously, "What'd you call her?"

He smirked, "An idiot."

She shook her head, "You're absolutely ridiculous."

"Do take care now. And tread lightly in that horrible place." Eldritch Diggory commented from his portrait next to the table.

Eveline nodded with a serious expression. Anxiety swelled in her, but Sebastian gave her a light squeeze. She could do this. Eveline Apparated with him to a place she knew one day she'd have to visit, but hoped that day would've been much later.

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