Chapter Twenty One

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Anne dropped the plate in surprise, shattering it against the floor. Ominis looked the perfect mixture of outrage and disbelief.

"Sebastian." He articulated perfectly clear, placing his teacup on the table so hard it cracked. "What have you done?"


Sebastian sighed, "Reparo." Eveline watched as her mother's plate was put back together along with the tea cup no longer cracked. "Take it out on me and not her plates."

"I'm assuming you already knew." Anne directed the question over to Eveline, but didn't wait for her response before interrogating Sebastian. Indicating how furious she was. "What happened that night Sebastian? When you killed our Uncle, what made you do that?"

Eveline choked on the bite she had just swallowed as shock startled her. Sebastian looked straight ahead, not meeting her eyes as she looked at him. His jaw was clenched, furious as well now too. "Haven't told her that part. Thanks Anne."

"I don't give two bollocks what you've told her or not. She was going to find out eventually."

"Are you sure you're not the Divination Professor?" Sebastian reflected, dodging the conversation.

Ominis pressed his lips together, "We've waited for you for eight years. We didn't poke. We didn't prod. But I swear it Sebastian, you will lose us forever if you don't tell us now what's going on. I don't deserve it, Anne certainly doesn't, and-" He paused, but decided better than to add whatever it was he intended to say. "Let us in."

"I can leave." Eveline blinked, pointing to her room.

Sebastian shook his head, sighing heavily. "Don't. I'll need an Auror when Ominis casts the Killing Curse on me."

"Unlike you Sebastian, I have my wits bout me and understand how dangerous the Dark Arts can be. Something you have yet to learn." Ominis tilted his head, "Or have you?"

Anne leered at him, "You think he's learned from his mistakes?"

"Why else would he be avoiding us?" He spoke slowly as if putting together the pieces in his mind, "Leading up to that night, you mentioned finding something in the Catacombs near Feldcroft that would lead to a cure for Anne. You were so sure of it, but we'd also been eating whiskey infused desserts so I thought you were off your knocker. You did find something, didn't you? And Solomon caught you doing something dangerous, didn't he? Is that why he died?"

Sebastian stood up, "There's not enough forks. I'll get-"

"Descendo." Ominis waved his hand. Hearing Sebastian get slammed back down to the loveseat, he continued, "What did I say? You will lose us, Sebastian. Is that what you want?"

His voice was hard. "Yes. Bugger off the lot of you."

"No." Anne shook her head with tears forming, "Someone who sends me a birthday cake every year doesn't not want anything to do with me. Someone who sends me gifts because he's thinking of me doesn't not want anything to do with me. Having you back this last week has made me happier than I've been in a long time. Ominis told me to move on even though he himself became a curse breaker to find you. To use the Ministry to locate where you were, but you kept moving around. What is scaring you so badly that you'd abandon your twin sister and oldest friend?"

You're Losing Me | Sebastian Sallow Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now