Chapter Twenty Eight

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"After Coralie was dead, I convinced the Aurors in Paris to send me to Azkaban. I thought that if I was somewhere people couldn't get hurt because of me, then that was where I belonged." Surprise shot through her with how honest he was. Was this how it was going to be now? Finally getting answers without him rearing up like a wild animal? "The Dementors took a lot of my happiest memories. I can barely remember the face of my parents-it wasn't until I saw the photos in Anne's house that I remembered. I wanted to be an empty shell of a person. I barely wanted to live, but I was too much of a selfish coward to give up my life. There was hope in me despite everything that one day I wouldn't have to be afraid of the people I love dying at my hands." 

Eveline's heart hurt. Being cold and distant wasn't Sebastian at all. He wanted a house filled with light and laughter. And he tried desperately to get rid of those feelings in the off chance it would protect the people he loved. It wasn't even a guarantee where Rookwood was concerned. She would protect the fragile happiness inside him. The happiness that was so delicate and afraid, but hopeful. And she would build a life with him.

Web of Lies

As luck would have it, there was a case awaiting them in the office. However, much to Sebastian's dismay-he wouldn't be going with Eveline.

Garreth would.

Lucan rolled his eyes amidst the glaring contest between the two Wizards. "If you have a problem with it, take it up with Officer Singer. However, you and I have a direct task from the Minister to check in with Headmaster Black regarding an issue where he called a student by a Muggle Slur while intoxicated."

"Why do I have to deal with the old git?" Sebastian scowled, "Send the daft idiot that could barely brew a potion our fifth year without making it explode. He could do well going back to school."

Garreth squinted his eyes, "I'll have you know, I'm the best potioneer amongst all of us in this room."

"I bloody well hope so considering how much time you spent in study hall trying to pass." Sebastian fired back, annoyed.

Lucan and Eveline both sighed, sharing a look. Eveline glanced over at Sebastian, "I'll see you tonight?"

"Of course, Pumpkin." He shifted his focus to Garreth, "Hands to yourself Weasley or else."

Garreth glowered, "Or else what?"

"Or else I'll be the one to kick your arse back to the training academy. Is this show of male testosterone done-can we get this case over with?" Eveline butted in, crossing her arms.

Lucan and Sebastian left, but not before Sebastian placed a kiss on her forehead and shot Garreth a murderous glare. Eveline had scrunched her nose, annoyed at it all. As much as part of her may have enjoyed Sebastian being protective and embracing her as someone close to him, she didn't need a man to fight her battles. If Garreth acted out of line and didn't respect her boundaries, she would be the one to handle it.

Eveline turned her attention to Garreth with an uninspiring demeanor, "What's this case about anyways?"

He handed her a piece of parchment, "Crispin Dunne is waiting for us at the Three Broomsticks and is looking for someone to check on a friend."

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