Chapter Fifteen

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Anne hesitated, "If you don't mind me asking, how did they die?"

"Robbery." She answered as simply as possible. "They owned a small merchant store in Manor Cape."

Ominis stilled. He placed his fork down, "You said a robbery in Manor Cape?"

Eveline nodded, "Yes. Why?"

"Garreth Weasley is investigating a case right now with a connection to a robbery that happened 13 years ago in Manor Cape. It's why he was in my workplace earlier this week." Ominis scowled, "He didn't say anything to you?"

She felt sick. "No. He didn't say anything."

Garreth's case was connected to her parent's murder? And he said nothing?

Sleep Deprivation

Eveline's thoughts were muddled as Sebastian walked her home. She could have Apparated, but she let it slip that she was going to walk since it was such a nice night. In truth, it was because she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep anyway. She barely slept last night as well.

"What are you thinking about?" Sebastian inquired, beside her.

They were walking over the bridge into Hogsmeade with no one in sight. It was almost midnight in the middle of the week. After eating pie, they ended up reminiscing about old times which Eveline had been delighted to listen to.

She kept her gaze on the water overlooking the bridge, "You already know what's on my mind."

"Fair," He weighed her words, but prodded. "What about it is on your mind? Do you intend to give Weasley a good verbal lashing?"

"I want to know why he didn't tell me." Eveline agreed, frowning. "But I'm also interested in what case he's trying to solve with Lucian. How does it relate to my parents' murder?"

Sebastian shrugged beside her, "We won't find out until tomorrow. What's the use worrying about it now?"

"I could be overthinking it." Eveline reflected, "But doesn't it seem odd with so many thefts happening and people getting hurt? My parents. Anne. This new case that relates to my parents?"

He shrugged, "Until we have all the details, there's a lot of what ifs. It's like trying to figure out the ending to a book without reading it."

Eveline nodded, needing a change of subject or else she would go crazy. And what better way than to pry about matters that had nothing to do with her? "Anne pulled me aside earlier trying to see if I knew anything about you."

"I figured." He met her gaze evenly, "But you also know nothing, so I wasn't exactly worried about it. In fact, I came over because Ominis was threatening to blind me if I kept making jokes about his condition."

"How were you making jokes?"

He grimaced, "I asked why he wasn't closer with his family if there was so much inbreeding."

Eveline choked out a laugh. "Sebastian. You can't say things like that!"

"I can and I did." He drawled out with a lazy grin.

She shook her head with an incredulous smile toying on her lips. "You missed them."

"I did." He replied cautiously. "You've met them. Wouldn't you?"

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