Chapter Three

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"Fond of a troll?" Eveline echoed incredulously.

The edges of his lips formed a cunning smile as Sebastian sent her a look. "Come now. It's not uncommon for humans and trolls to intermingle. How else would Weasley have been born?"

"Careful, Sallow. I'll have you kicked out." Garreth threatened, heatedly.

His smile grew and Sebastian gazed at him darkly. "I'd like to see you try, Weasley."

Out of Con-Troll

Garreth shook his head, "I know better than to fight a man with nothing to lose." He looked at Eveline, "Shall I pick you up at seven tomorrow?"

She shook her head briskly, "I'll meet you there."

He nodded once before casting a scathing look in Sebastian's direction and making his way towards the Atrium. Presumably to head home since it was getting close to the end of their shift. She looked to see Sebastian raising his eyebrow at her.

"Really? Weasley?" He rolled his eyes, "If you're going to have a hot office romance at least choose someone that isn't such a bloody idiot. You've read Pride and Prejudice, correct? He's as much as a moron as that idiotic clergyman."

Eveline squinted, "Mr. Collins? They're nothing alike." She paused, realizing what he said before that, "Also it's not an office romance. Garreth said he'd tell me about a trade disruption case they received yesterday involving Ashwinders South of Hogsmeade."

"And he said he'll only tell you over dinner?" Sebastian guessed, looking down at her.

She rolled her eyes, "You're thinking too much into it." Eveline held up two fingers, "I get a meal and information. I'll pay for my own dinner too. What's the harm?"

With amusement twinkling in his eyes, Sebastian shook his head. He grabbed the journal from her hands again and started walking away, "Shall we?"

Eveline jumped up, hurriedly walking to catch up. "Shall we-what? Where are we going?"

"To find ourselves a troll." He replied simply.

As they made their way to the Atrium, Eveline grabbed the crook of his arm. "Sebastian, we can't. That's not our case."

"Says who?" He winked and placed his hand on top of hers. "You need to learn to break the rules sometimes."

He Apparated them to a quaint little town. The sun was was casting a warm glow on their faces as they looked around the snow covered Hamlet. It was tiny with a few residents out and about and only lanterns guiding a single long path through the town. It was quite obvious they didn't have many visitors and even the townspeople looked sullen.

It wasn't until one of them spotted her that they began to crowd. "An Auror! Are you here about the troll?"

Eveline nodded, "Where is it?"

One of the men pointed towards a larger cottage a few houses down. "It's about time. We were starting to lose hope you lot cared about us. Talk to Ricketts. She'll show you where she's put the troll for now."

Sebastian looked at the man evenly, "Did she have a reason for keeping a troll in town?"

"Said it would help protect everyone. Only thing the damned oaf has accomplished is stomping all over my winter greens and turnips. It found a club the other day and smashed through ol' Mrs. Thimbles' window. Nearly gave the old woman a heart attack."

You're Losing Me | Sebastian Sallow Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now