Chapter Eighteen

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She looked up at the ceiling, tiredly.

Was this going to be on her Daily to do list now? Giving herself some sort of nightly pep talk about how she needed to stay away from him and convince herself it was just an undeniable physical attraction? Because this was the third night in a row.

If it was like this tomorrow, she was going to demand answers from him. No exceptions.

Push and Pull

Sebastian stood in the doorway with a yawn. He looked at her with a tired expression, "Ready?"

Eveline nodded, buttoning her coat together. "Yes, are you?"

He nodded, placing a hand on her shoulder as they Apparated to Upper Hogsfield. She felt a bit sad, remembering the last time she was here to talk to Helen Thistlewood. With the death of the retired Auror, her house would be empty until another occupant moved in.

"Who are we reaching out to again?" Sebastian inquired, glancing over at her.

She jerked her head up slightly, indicating that the house was fast approaching as they walked down the stone pathway, "Up ahead. Dorothy Sprottle. She reported a missing wizard and he may be practicing the Dark Arts."

"Not the Dark Arts," Sebastian muttered dryly, "The horror."

Eveline casted him a side glare as the cottage was in sight. "Mighty bold coming from someone who's facing a five year sentence."

His smile was cutthroat. "Not as terrifying as waking up beside you, Pumpkin."

"Touch my arse again and you'll see just how terrifying I can be." She grumbled.

He snorted inwardly, sarcasm drenching his tone. "I'm shaking in my boots."

Eveline rolled her eyes, but then locked in on a woman sweeping outside the cottage they were told to meet at. It was quaint with a beautiful view of the mountains. But despite the scenic view and gentle breeze in the cool Autumn air, the woman looked increasingly concerned.

She was hunched over, muttering to herself as they strolled up. "Bardolph Beaumont should have returned by now. Had by Dark wizards, he was."

Eveline nodded in greeting as she spotted them, "Excuse me-Did you say something about a 'Bardolph Beaumont?'"

"I did. I don't think we've met. I'm Dorothy Sprottle." She greeted, pushing a wisp of grey hair back. She eyed her and Sebastian cautiously, but also curious. "I see that you're wearing an Auror uniform. Is this about my letter?"

Eveline nodded, "I'm Eveline Seabrooke, an Auror. This is my partner, Sebastian Sallow."

She looked over expecting Sebastian to beside her, but he was over by cabbages that Dorothy had grown. Only, when he walked near them, teeth grew on them and they started trying to chomp at him. He swore colorfully, "Chinese Chomping Cabbages?"

The older woman looked at him with a weary expression, "I was just worrying about Claire Beaumont's brother Bardolph, only he's gone missing. Rumor is, he was seen in the Forest practicing Dark Magic. Saw him myself near some ruins with Rookwood's lot, I did."

Eveline remembered Lucian and Garreth mentioning his name in the office last week. Victor Rookwood. But she couldn't recall what about.

Sebastian raised a skeptical eyebrow, "And you believe he's gone missing because he was practicing Dark Magic?"

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