Chapter Thirty Five

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They're all connected.

Evie's parents. Rookwood's father killed them.

Anne Sallow. Victor and his father were torturing someone looking for a Relic. Unclear what the Relic was or would be used for. But it was one Rookwood Sr. thought Evie's parents had.

Singer won't let me tell Evie about it. Lucan wants to. He thinks we should be honest with her and I agree. I'm going to tell Singer we need Evie's help. And maybe even Sebastian's. I have enough evidence to put him in Azkaban for life.

Sebastian said nothing for a moment. She didn't look at him, but the bloodlust in the air was suffocating. His voice was quiet as he spoke. "He's going to meet a fate worse than death. I'll see to it myself."

The Cover Up

The nurse retrieved them after a few more minutes of them waiting. Garreth was pale, likely from the transfusion, but he smiled when he saw her.

"I have a lot to apologize for." His voice chagrined.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "What about the harsh words you said to me?"

"I meant every word you arrogant bloke." Garreth said flatly, returning his attention to Eveline, "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I wasn't...exactly myself."

"I don't blame you," Eveline told him kindly, "Agree to start anew?"

"No, continue disliking him." Sebastian muttered.

They both ignored him and Garreth nodded, "Agreed. I don't have all my memories back, but I see you have my journal."

Eveline nodded, but was careful about leaving Sebastian's role in finding the Relic out of it, "You said everything's connected. Rookwood's father thought my parents had the relic. They didn't, he killed them. Then Anne thought someone was getting robbed, but it was the father and son duo torturing someone for information. One of them cursed her...But how did the new case tie everything in? What was it?"

"Leander Prewett." Garreth sighed, shaking his head. A troubled expression settled in on his face. He picked at the hospital sheets, "Leander got himself into some trouble with Rookwood. I'm not sure what exactly-I don't remember, but he reached out to Lucan and I for help. We were all trying to build a case against Rookwood and Leander was going to give me something, but then Singer got ahold of him first, and out of no where was given the death sentence."

She frowned, "What's Lucan's take on everything?"

"He's been suspicious of Singer for a while, but there wasn't any evidence it was her protecting Rookwood until recently. The bastard killed a man with his son present, and would have gotten away with it had Lucan not saved the child. Immediately, he reported the issue to Singer-demanding that justice be served, but she brushed everything under the rug. The Daily Prophet didn't even cover it. They're too busy writing about some Goblin protests happening outside Gringotts."

Sebastian rolled his eyes and squared his shoulders, "Let me get this straight so that we're all on the same page. Victor's father killed Ev's parents. One of them cursed Anne. This all had to do with a Relic." He paused and she knew what he was thinking in his head. Once Sebastian and Rookwood Sr. found the Relic, Sebastian eventually killed him and Solomon. Rookwood wants revenge and to continue the goal of taking down the Ministry. "Lucan was suspicious of Singer first after a murder got swept under the rug. Leander reached out to start building a case against Rookwood-probably worried his life was at stake. It clearly is now and to cover up the Singer-Rookwood partnership; He's going to be put to death as another cover up."

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