Chapter Twenty Five

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Anne sighed heavily and looked at him with a sad expression. "You don't think he feels the same way as her?"

"It's not that, love." Ominis shook his head, "You compared them to Romeo and Juliet earlier. It would be easy to die for someone, Sebastian would be happy to give the ultimate sacrifice in order to repent for his sins. Eveline isn't his Juliet, but rather someone who gives him the strength to continue living. She's not the answer to all his problems and there's much more he needs to work out on his own, but Eveline will be the one to hold him together in a way we can't."

"I don't understand why we're not enough." Her voice was timid and sad.

Those emotions mirrored in his smile. "Sebastian could burn the world down and we'd be the ones providing the matches. Look at our fifth year. You and I let him get away with so much in the hopes he'd stop practicing the Dark Arts on his own. He needs someone to extinguish the flames and teach him not to play with fire. Eveline will be able to get through to him. We just need to be patient."

Anne nodded silently with anxiety making her hands tremble. Please let him come back to us. For good, she prayed.

The Long Awaited Secret

Eveline didn't have any cookies to place with the tea, but Sebastian didn't need anymore sugar or else his stomach would hurt again. Because of all the cookies he ate earlier, she intentionally brewed a green tea using leaves she got from an Auror visiting from Japan.

She sat the tea cups down on the table and decided they would talk in the kitchen. Memories from the loveseat last night were still fresh in her mind and as much as she would love to reenact them, this conversation was much more important.

"Start from the beginning." Eveline reflected, wrapping her hands around the warm mug. "If I'm to understand why you've done everything up until this point, then I need all the facts."

He raised an eyebrow, "You don't beat around the bush, do you Pumpkin?"

"We've had enough of that." Eveline replied flatly. "Aren't you tired of the secrets?"

"The secrets protect the people I care about." Sebastian sighed with a forlorn expression on his face. He turned to lean his hips and lower back against the counter, then stared down at his tea. "When Anne was cursed, Solomon and I looked high and low for a cure. From St. Mungo's to magical remedies that Unspeakable's sent Solomon to try-nothing worked. It was maddening watching my sister go through so much pain and I couldn't do anything, but watch. Then, Ominis told me about Salazar Slytherin's Scriptorium."

Her eyebrows furrowed, "The founder? He had such a thing?"

"It was hidden. Ominis and I managed to find it within Hogwarts and he even let me cast the Cruciatus Curse on him. Said he wouldn't entangle himself with the Dark Arts like his family and left it to me." His voice was quiet and full of regret. "Casting that spell opened a door which led us to the Scriptorium. And in there, I found a book. Salazar Slytherin's personal spell book which eventually led me to the Relic."

Eveline took a sip of her tea, soaking in all the information. He paused as his expression darkened.

He continued, "The relic was located in the catacombs of Feldcroft. It was a Dark artifact that essentially had the ability to summon Inferi and heal those who had been afflicted by Dark Magic. But it required a sacrifice. This is where Rookwood comes in. Once I had discovered the Relic, of course I didn't know how to use it, and the sacrifice part worried me for obvious reasons. I went to the Hogs Head Inn where I met Rookwood's father and together we figured out how to use it. He wanted to raise an army against the Ministry and I wanted to heal my sister. I didn't care what he did with it afterwards as long as he helped me."

You're Losing Me | Sebastian Sallow Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora