Chapter Thirty Eight

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The Minister walked forward, clasping her hand in his. Ominis stood in front of them with his wand pointed at their hands, and she saw the sheer white magic swirling around them that was cool to the touch.

"Will you, Faris Spavin, drop all charges against Sebastian Sallow?"

"I will."

"And will you, to the best of your ability, ensure that he is not sent to Azkaban?"

"I will."

"And should it prove necessary...if it seems that another Minister or government official will try and send him to Azkaban for the aforementioned crimes...will you see to it that he is not indicted?"

Minister Spavin gritted out, "I will."

As the spell was finished and Ominis nodded, he quickly released her hand. "I'll expect your resignation on my desk by tomorrow morning." With a final glare at Sebastian and her, he took a step back, Apparating away.

It was over. Sebastian was free. From Rookwood. From being sent to Azkaban. He was hers.


It had been a couple days since the encounter in Feldcroft Catacombs. A couple days since Eveline Seabrooke, a top distinguished graduate of the Auror Training Academy, was now unemployed. And a couple hours since Sebastian let her leave the bed.

They were a mess of tangled limbs, with Eveline laying her head on his bare chest. They had both just woken up recently from a nap after a...strenuous workout this morning.

Sebastian looked down at her with a sleepy smile, "Any idea yet what you're going to do for work? Anne could put in a good recommendation for you at the School."

Eveline thought about it, but shook her head, "Not interested. Besides, I quite honestly cannot stand the Headmaster. Not as a student, not as an Auror-he helped Dark wizards plot against me, remember? All because his stupid ancestor lied about seeing Thisbe with Richard Jackdaw and then Karma made her eat poisonous berries by mistake. Although, many people have asked why I'm an Auror instead of a baker."

That caught his attention. "You're going to find work with a bakery?"

"At least until I have enough money and reputation to open my own, I think." Eveline reflected with a yawn.

"You seem tired." The smugness in his voice was unbearable.

She leered at him, sitting up and allowing the sheet to fall from her chest. Sebastian's eyes lowered shamelessly and she moved to straddle his hips. "I did all the work last round."

Sebastian rolled them over, hiking her leg over his hips, "Then-"




Eveline looked up at him confused. Who was knocking?

He sighed heavily, "Ignore it. We're busy." Sebastian leaned down to kiss her when the knocking began again.




An aggravated noise escaped him and he got off her, grabbing a pair of sleep pants from his luggage. The clothes and items he brought from the private room at the Three Broomsticks would eventually be put away, but they'd been preoccupied for the past couple days. Eveline took the opportunity to head into the bath, deliciously sore around her hips and legs, but knowing she would need a couple lifetimes before she had her fill of Sebastian. He went into her room and saw from the doorway opening, a confused look pass over him before he realized she was taking a bath.

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