Chapter Seventeen

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Sebastian smirked and nodded, "For what it's worth Pumpkin, you could wear a potato sack and still be the loveliest in the room."

Eveline stopped what she was doing, "Did you just compliment me and incorporate potatoes together at the same time? How awfully Scottish of you."

A genuine laugh escaped Sebastian, his eyes shining with a devilish gleam, "Touché, allow me to reiterate." He walked up to her, trapping her against the table. He tilted her chin up with his forefinger, demanding her to meet his gaze evenly, "I've been to many countries near and far. Seen royal monarchs, suffragists, and looked upon what the Greeks consider the epitome of beauty. But not even Aphrodite herself could hold a candle to you, Pumpkin. You are my very own definition of lovely."

Resisting Temptation

Eveline recalled an excerpt she read once about a woman in a garden. She was told by someone powerful not to eat an apple. But there was a serpent with a tongue more cunning and devious than any wild animal created. The woman ate the apple, listening to the serpent, and paid greatly for it. Sebastian's husky tone, the scent of his cologne inviting her closer, and his eyes that drew her into temptation...She understood the woman who was tricked by the serpent.

Eveline understood, but she refused to also be tricked.

She put a hand on his chest, pushing him away. "Nice try, but the last time a woman was compared to the Goddess, she was turned into a Myrrh tree." Eveline pointed to the tea, "Place the cups on the tray and don't eat all the cookies before you get to the living room. I trust you can do that much?"

Sebastian was smirking, "With your baking, that'll be rather difficult. But I'll manage."

When he finally joined her, Eveline was already curled up on the couch with a quilt and a copy of Pride and Prejudice. Sebastian raised an eyebrow at her book choice and placed the tray down on the table.

"Again? You've read that before, haven't you?" He sat on the other end of the couch, only a couple feet away from her. He grabbed his tea and a biscuit, taking a bite. Another sinful noise escaped him. "You need to quit being an Auror and open a bakery."

Eveline smiled grimly, "Not a chance. Although, I became an Auror because one saved me when I was younger. Now I'm not sure if the Auror was there to save me or to take down my parents first, and the robbery was a coincidence."

"Does it matter?"

She blinked. "Why wouldn't it matter?"

"Yes, you found out your parents were involved in illegal trading of cursed items." Sebastian waved his hand dismissively, "Finding out this new information won't put into question who you are. You're still the same annoying, uptight Auror who has a cute little birthmark on your arse."

Reaching towards the table for her tea, Eveline casted him a reproachful glance, "Was that an attempt to make me feel better? Because it was sorely lacking, Sebastian."

A sinner's smile rose up on his face as he looked at her over the tea cup, "Pumpkin, if you want me to make you feel better, all you have to do is..." he pretended to think and then winked, "Beg. And you'll find I'm not sorely lacking where it matters."

Eveline tried.

She really tried.

But when a tall, handsome wizard is sitting on her couch flirting shamelessly; his words from earlier still echoing inside her head...She felt her body betray her. Eveline felt the heat rise onto her cheeks and Sebastian saw it. His amused expression turned knowing, the corner of his lip tilting up with a burning desire in his eyes.

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