Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Depulso." Sebastian shouted as the Dark wizard beside Rookwood used a protection charm to protect him and without saying any sort of incantation-He threw out his hand, sending out green sparks of magic that jolted back to Sebastian; throwing him backwards and landed a few feet away from Eveline.

She glared at the Dark wizard as he strolled forward with his wand pointing down towards the Scottish Wizard. Rookwood's smile was ever growing. "Finally. I'm going to kill your little lover, Sebastian. I'm going to make you feel the pain of losing the person you love the most in the world and make you regret double crossing my father and I."

The Dark Wizard took off his mask, revealing a familiar figure. "Actually, he loves me the most." Ominis winked with a coy smile before pointing his wand at Rookwood. "Incarcerous."

Unforgivable and Unbreakable

Rookwood's face contorted into pure rage as the ropes bound him and made him fall to the ground with a heavy thump, "What are you doing here?"

"You see, I was having a stroll-but I'm blind-and somehow I got lost, ending up here." Ominis replied dryly, "You're clearly outnumbered, no? And I've already broken the hexes and jinxes you had in place. Why not give up?"

Eveline was impressed and she was even more so surprised to see that Sebastian had a knowing look. "You knew?"

"That he'd shove you? No, I'm irate about that."

"She shoved me first!" Ominis barked out.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "I was okay with that." To Eveline he said, "Did you not notice I didn't immediately kill him afterwards? Had it been some random wizard, I'd have broken both his hands."

"It doesn't matter." Rookwood bellowed, clearly not liking being ignored. "I destroyed your only piece of evidence."

Ominis smirked, "The real letter is sitting on Minister Spavin's desk when your attention was focused on Eveline being shoved to the ground. I gave you a fake letter which you didn't open. It said 'You Lose' by the way. Shame, I was proud of it." The blind wizard now gestured to Rookwood, "Taking the bad guys in isn't my forte. Eveline?"

"Yes-" She was about to head towards the Wizard when another figure appeared.

Officer Singer.

Her hair was unruly, no longer tucked in neatly. There was a gash mark across her cheek and her Auror uniform was dirty, splattered with blood.

"You." She seethed, glaring at Sebastian.

"Is she talking to me?" Ominis joked, looking around although he could clearly tell where the voice was coming from and he had his wand out.

Sebastian's voice was wry, "Not this time. I have a feeling she's talking to me."

"Kill them!" Rookwood ordered, struggling against the magical binds.

"I have a feeling you're going to die soon. Crucio!" She reared her arm back before casting the spell towards Sebastian.

He disappeared from where he was standing and Apparated behind her, bringing his fist down hard to knock her out unconscious. He looked between Eveline and Ominis, "For a criminal ring leader and the Head Auror, I've got to say they're rather disappointing to say the least."

You're Losing Me | Sebastian Sallow Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now