Chapter Thirty Two

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He rolled his eyes, "Idiot." Sebastian looked at her with a genuine, but sad smile. "You have my heart, Eveline. When this is all over and hopefully in our favor, then I'll move in with you. For good. I'll make you happy and spend too much time shopping for a ring that I hope you'll love. But I don't want a cloud of fear or a ticking clock to weigh down on our happiness." He paused for a moment. "There is one other thing I probably should have mentioned.

"And what's that?"

"The ticking clock."

Eveline snapped at him, a bit frustrated. "What are you talking about, Sebastian?"

"It's been almost two weeks." He drawled out slowly, eyes hesitating to meet hers. "The Minister gave me three weeks. Three weeks to find the snake. Which means in a week and a half I'll be on my way to Azkaban if we fail."

A Dash of Torture

"I don't think I can marry you. Ever." Eveline was still reeling from the information. Sebastian's face fell and she continued in a hollow tone, "You always manage to raise my blood pressure. If I marry you, I'll have to be on constant medication and do morning stretches. I recently read about this form of spiritual discipline that's rooted in Hinduism-"

Eveline was cut off as Sebastian kissed her. He pulled away slightly, only to point out, "You're rambling."

"Let me get this straight." She took a purposeful deep breath trying to calm her nerves. "The Minister gave you three weeks to find out who's in league with Rookwood."


"If we don't succeed in a week and a half, you'll be rotting away in Azkaban."

He winced at the callousness of her words, "For five years."

"And you've waited until now to tell me?"

Sebastian put a finger up in the air, "Hold your Hippogriffs. I do have reasons before you let me have it." Eveline gestured with her hand for him to continue as she felt the flames of fury and wrath start to flare controllably inside her. "I didn't expect to fall in love with you and I didn't expect I'd want to stay here with everyone. In the beginning, I wasn't even serious about looking-Azkaban was somewhere I wanted to go."

"Are you done?"

Sebastian sank back in his chair and nodded, "Go ahead."

Eveline stood up, fuming. "How can you be culturally literate and one of the smartest wizards I know-"

"You can stop right there." He muttered under his breath, which she plainly ignored.

"-and yet also be so nearsighted-"

"My vision is quite good." Sebastian muttered again.

Eveline glared, continuing, "-that you'd simply give up? Loving me aside; you should have told me about this time limit when you first mentioned Azkaban! You were in Jail for three days and now we're behind the curve."

Sebastian pulled her forward, letting fall forward and straddle his lap. He placed one hand on her hip as his left hand rubbed her thigh in a comforting manner. "I can't change the past, Pumpkin."

"I understand that, Sebastian. But--But you're so calm. Are you not afraid at all about going back to Azkaban?" Her voice hard and incredulous, "Five years. That's a long time to be stuck somewhere miserable and alone."

You're Losing Me | Sebastian Sallow Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now