Chapter Thirty Seven - The Consequences of My Poor Choices

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I wake up in my bed, with shakes and cold sweats. The ache in my side is worse than ever before, the skin feeling burning hot to the touch.

No matter how I try to lay, I can't get comfortable at all.

I jump off my bed, my vision distorted and my wobbly legs barely holding me up as my temples pound ferociously.

No longer can I deny that my side needs medical attention. I was hoping for one night of peace ever since Gabriel's arrest earlier today.

I stumble to my mirror, lifting up my shirt to see the puckered red wound oozing a light orange-coloured liquid that looks disturbingly a lot like tree sap.

Grimacing, I flip my hatch door up and carefully try to climb down to get my parent's help. I don't want to freak Adrien out, who is currently in the guest bedroom. I didn't want him to stay in his mansion for the time being, such a big place must feel extra lonely. He doesn't need that right now.

They were so relieved to see me come home, that they were more than happy to house Adrien for as long as he wants. Thankfully, everything has been resolved to some degree.

Except for my side.

Tapping on my parent's bedroom door, I open it to find the two of them fast asleep.

"Mom? Dad?" I whisper, quietly walking over to the side of their bed to shake them awake.

"Marinette? What's wrong?" My mom sits up quickly, startling my dad awake.

"My side. I think I need to go to the hospital." I try not to cry, feeling terribly sick. There's something about being sick that makes you want to sob and be held.

"Let me see. Oh jeez, honey. You're covered in sweat." My mom brushes my hair out of my face, the strands sticking to my perspirant covered skin. Flicking on her bedside lamp, she places one palm on my forehead while the other lifts my shirt enough to expose my side.

My mom gasps at the view, looking at my side with both horror and anger. "Marinette! You promised you wouldn't let it get this bad!"

"No, I promised to go if it gets infected." I shrug, trying to laugh but none of us find this humours.

"How long has it been infected?" My dad leans in, taking a good look at my disgustingly oozing wound.

"Maybe a few days? It wasn't this bad though." I say quietly, ashamed of having to admit that.

"Marinette!" My mom practically yells, very uncharacteristically of her. She's such a quiet woman, that seeing her get so worked up makes me feel even worse about this.

I'm actually a little scared now.

"There's a reason it got worse, Marinette. Infections left untreated can become very serious." My dad says, quickly getting out of bed to get himself ready. My mom joins him, bustling about to gather proper clothing to wear.

"Tell me what you're feeling right now." My mom demands as I gently lower myself to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I feel so cold, but my body is so sweaty. My head hurts and everything is a little dizzy. I feel like I can't even take a full, deep breath." I look at my hands, feeling like I'm in the wrong body. It's such an uncomfortable experience.

"Whats going on?" Adrien pops into the doorway, eyes bewildered and hair messy. When I turn my head to look at him, the whole room spins. I blink rapidly, trying to settle my unstable vision, but my head hurts too much to keep trying. "Marinette? What's wrong."

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