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Life was already boring as it was for Mile Phakphum.

His life was always in the twilight zone which means he was probably watched like a hawk.

He didn't like the feeling of being pried on at all.

Most people would prefer the attention but attention meant that they also digged into your personal life.

But I guess that's how the rich world works and he had no say over the pool of paparazzi which flooded him wherever he went out.

He really anticipated for change.

Change of environment..change of company a break from the media and just a free carefree week for himself.

"Are we still up for tonight man!?''his friend Rome bellowed from the other end of the line.

Mile's head was already throbbing from staying up at the office till past midnight.

"Do you always have to be such a morning person?''I groaned as I removed my hands from my ears.

"What's there not to love about mornings?they are absolutely perfect and motivates you to start a new day,''

"More like demoralising me,'' Anon said also groaning at the impact of the unecessary loudness of Rome so early in the morning.

He also seemed like he had just woken up.

"You guys just have boring lives that's why you hate waking up.. because a person who's life is thrilling like mine would be ecstatic for another fine day,''

I could hear his mocking tone from the other line but he was right.

His life was full of adventure and his parents weren't always on his neck about family business.

He was the lastborn of his family and his parents owned those big clothing brands all over Italy and France.

Anon on the other hand had it tougher than all of us.

His parents were really invested on Anon taking over their business to the point of obsession.

That made them trample on him on most occasions but he sure had thick skin.

My parents are a bit of an in between but I have a good relationship with them as long as I do my job well.

Rome was a complete badass..he didn't take shit from anyone especially the paparazzi and didn't care what they came up with to put on the headlines as long as he taught them a lesson.

There's a time he splashed water on a paparazzis camera for invading his privacy.

People talked about it for months..that I could remember.

Anon was a sweetheart but strict like his parents.
He was never one of taking risks.

"It's too early the club isn't even open,''Anon whined.

"It's never too early..you guys should come pick your outfits,''Rome said as we heard shuffling from the background.

He styled us up for almost every event because we are always too busy with work..we were super grateful for that.

"Meet you in 10,''I replied and hung up the phone rummaging through my drawer for car keys.

I panicked when I couldn't find them so I ran downstairs only to be met by Mary holding them out for me.

"Thanks,''I said as I kissed her cheeks and left.

"A speed of 50km/h Khun Mile!''she shouted after me.

She was my nanny since we were five and we grew up together.
She was my favourite person in the house since I share almost all my life problems with her.

The road was busy today so I had to wait for the traffic congestion.

I put on my favourite oldies and rested my head on the dashboard occasionally raising it to check if the congestion was clearing.

A particular car parked beside me and the residents (or whatever I'm supposed to call them)were annoyingly loud.

They were laughing loudly with no care in the world.

A particular man who had on converse shoes and a high waisted short caught my attention.

His legs were dangling carelessly outside the window.

He seemed to have noticed I was staring and I tried my luck by waving but he just tucked his legs back into the car and rolled up the window.

"Rude!''I scoffed but he just replied by raising his middle finger at me.

I was shocked at first..it had been a while since I met someone so I'll mannered.

I wonder who he was though..even through the dim car I could notice his outstanding facial features.. especially the eyes.

Apo's pov:

I felt a fixed gaze on me and as I turned to the side I saw him.

I wonder why he was staring at me that fixedly.

I hated the attention...why would a rich man like that be staring at me in the middle of the road?

Ok we were stuck in traffic but he could've fixed his gaze on the road or scrolled through his phone or something..why did he have to look at me.

I rolled up my window and as I heard his statement I pressed my hand on the window so he could see exactly what I was doing.

His expression turned from shock to smug in just a few seconds.

"Do you know that guy?''asked Tong as he noticed my uncomfortableness from the rear view mirror.

"I have never seen him before in my life,''I replied shifting my attention to my phone.

"Why would he stare at you like he knows you though?''

"I don't know maybe he's a stalker,''I replied not seeing anything wrong with my statement.

"You've met him once Apo does that seem like stalking to you?''asked Build.

"Don't know don't care can we just get moving already?''

We had to hurry up to that club because once the rich people got in they reserved the whole place and we had to wait for hours at the entrance.

"The congestion is almost completely cleared just be patient,''

I turned to where the man's car was but he already left.

I rolled back the windows down and stuck my feet back outside.

Once we saw the greenlight Tong stepped on the gas and we sped through some cars.

The traffic officers weren't happy about our over speeding but to do anything about it they had to catch us first which was a very unlikely possibility with Tong as our driver.

Authors note:

Hope you guys are enjoying..here is the new mileapo story I promised you guys and I'll keep working on it..vote and comment please..thank you and love you🤍

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