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The nurse put on quite a show as she spent an hour re-telling me the importance of the tubes running through my arms.

"If you keep on tearing these tubes away I'll have no choice but to handcuff your hands to the bed young man.. atleast that'll keep your pesky hands from interfering with anything,''

"Oh my nurse..I never knew you were that kinky,''

"Will you ever be serious even for a solid minute?''she retorted.

"If it makes you feel any better I thought about my actions before I did them,''

She rolled her eyes with hands on her hips as she glared at me.

"It doesn't matter whether you thought about your actions or not..the bottom line is you still went ahead and did them,''

"Well I tried,''I replied turning to look at Apo whose eyes were glued to the phone screen with a  frown forming on his face.

"Hey..what's with the sad face?''

"I'm needed at the orphanage tonight and I'm supposed to be heading home with you,''

"Why not go during the day so that you're done by night,''

"They insist on nighttime..I'm not sure why but I can't pass on that opportunity,''

"I'll take you,''I replied gently kissing his knuckles.

"No need I'll be just fi-''

"Ohoo stop it already you two..Just send me the address I'll help you out..you go home with your man or else he'll cause a ruckus here all day and I'm not even half prepared for that,''

"But you had a night shift..I wouldn't want to bother you really,''Apo replied.

"It's fine dear just go.. I've always had a soft spot for kids either way,''

"Martha I could kiss you right now!''I exclaimed feeling excited.

"Touch me and you die,''she replied clearing the room.

"Ohoo Martha don't be such a wet blanket!''

"Shut up and finish taking your food..I'm coming back with medicine and your injection,''

"Seriously?haven't my ass gone through enough?''

Ahem*Apo cleared his throat obviously having something to say about the statement.

"You're one to say,''he said eyes still on his phone just pausing for a second to take in my expression.

"Don't pull the sarcasm card on me baby''

He shrugged in reply.

"Just saying..since you know a lot about asses that have gone through enough,''

"Well I- I was thinking maybe erm..''

"What Phakphum?cat got your tongue?''he replied clearly enjoying the reaction.

"I'll get you for this..I promise,''

"Yeah yeah whatever..Im sooo scared,''

Martha cleared her throat loudly standing at the doorway.

"I'll be back later in the evening and boys?...''

"Hmm?''we both turned to her.

"No sex in the hospital bed for goodness sake !''she replied and walked away leaving a flustered Apo behind her.

"Don't look at me like that because I'm blaming you for everything,''

"Ohoo Apo don't be mad at me come on I'll give you a hug,''I replied spreading out my arms for him.

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