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"We meet again,''I said approaching him slowly.

"Oh fuck me,''he groaned and took off running.

"Shit.. Dom we've got a runner here...I'm going after him,''

"Wait Mile it's too dangerous!''he replied but it was too late.

I was already running after him.

"Dammit just slow down I just want to talk!''

I was catching up with him..barely.

It's like he took a whole bucket of energy drinks.

He jumped over almost all the fences and he ran between the crevices of the tall buildings swiftly.

"I can't tell the difference between you and a cat,''I said as I breathed heavily trying to catch my breath.

It was a dead end.

"What the fuck do you want from me,''he asked grabbing onto my collar.

I yanked his hand off my shirt and held it tightly above his head.

"This is my favourite shirt.. don't put creases on it,''

"I don't care about your stupid shirt just tell me what the hell you want from me,''

"That means you like my shirt..you just called it stupid,''

"No..I said it was stupid..I didn't say I like it,''

He was getting annoyed.

"You slashed my car tyres.. insulted me..cursed at me..called my favourite shirt stupid and put creases on it,''

"Yes those were all done by me..did you come here to count my crimes for me?..wait why don't you bring out trophies too while you're at it?''he asked fake smiling.

"I can see you have Dom's sarcasm,''

"What the hell do you want from me?as you can see I was heading home,''

He lifted his grocery bag which had some items spilled.

"I just want to get to know you better,''I replied holding out my hand.

"Over my rich hot dead body,''he said and raised his middle finger at me while walking away.

"Definitely hot,''I replied watching him for a while before running after him.

"I'm not easy to get rid of you know,''

He fastened his pace but I did a good job at catching up this time.

"Where are you going?''I asked him as he took a different route.

"You made me spill and drop my stuff..I have to get more,''

"Then let me compensate,''

He stopped and I thought he was finally going to agree.

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