Christmas and newyear special ✨

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"Come on man! We already planned everything and you agreed to it a week ago,''Rome said trying to pull me off the bed.

I clung onto the bedsheets tighter..pulling them over my head.

"Come on don't be such a Grinch Phakphum!''Anon said joining Rome to assist him.

"I'm way too old to understand that word,''I replied holding on to the edge of the bed.

It's not like I hated Christmas or fact I loved it a lot..but spending it without a certain Nattawin wasn't at all pleasing.

I had called Apo earlier but he said he was held up with work so he couldn't join us.

He made it clear that no amount of convincing could make him change his mind.

"I know exactly why he's acting like that,''Dom said standing at the doorway.

Anon and Rome suddenly let me go intrigued to hear what he would say next.


My phone rang before he could say anything and I almost fell off the bed rushing to answer it.

"Hello?''I said enthusiastically.

"If I knew youu would get this excited to hear from me I would always call you on a Christmas morning son,''

I looked at my screen and my smile dropped.

"I thought it was-''

"I know already you ungrateful bastard atleast be subtle about it..he's waiting for you downstairs,''

"Dad seriously don't joke like that,''

I heard him scoff from the other end of the line and hang up.

I contemplated on whether I should believe him or not.

He had no reason to lie to me anyway.

I quickly hopped off the bed and rushed downstairs.

"You mean that's all it took to get him out of bed?we have been fighting him for hours now and just a single phonecall was enough to get him jumping off the bed as if he is being chased by wild geese?''Rome asked glaring at the man who was already halfway down the stairs.

"You'd be surprised,''Dom answered joining the two younger men and together they followed Mile.

"Baby,''I said hugging him tightly before he could protest.
"I missed you,''

"We met yesterday morning..the day before yesterday and all the other weeks before that,''he replied.

I stroked his cheeks and gently kissed his forehead.

He smiled and hooked his arm onto mine.

"Ahem ahem! You have company,''Rome said clearing his throat loudly.

"We barely did anything Rome,''I replied.

"Well we see a lot of activities going on between the two of you,''he replied.

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