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Getting home to Anon and Dom making out in my living room was the last thing I had expected.

"Ohh shit..excuse me,''I said smiling as I walked past them.

"Shit..I told you we should've gone to your place instead,''I heard Anon complaining before I closed the door behind me.

So all my friends were up to some action the previous night while I was still being rejected countless times.

Not that I minded..just speaking to him and being by his side occasionally was enough for me.

I still cannot believe I told his mother that.


"Honey you know you can tell me anything,''my mother said taking my hands in hers.

"Mum it's nothing,''

"Ohh come on..it did not sound like nothing to me..you two seem close,''

I knew my mother would never let me hear the end of this..she would keep pestering me till the end.

"Why don't you invite him ove-''

"Not a chance,''I replied before she could finish.

"I want to get to meet the first man who my son invited over to his house..you know you've never allowed anyone to sleep near you right?''

"Mum I hate him he's nothing to me,''


She hit the back of my head.

"Ow what the hell was that for?''

"I have my limits you stubborn child..you hate nobody..and I want to meet him tomorrow,''

"Oiii why do you have to be so stubborn Mae?''

"Because if I'm not stubborn you never listen to me..so I want to see him tomorrow or else I'll not eat the food you usually bring over,''

I sighed in defeat as I rolled my eyes.

"Fine you win you mean woman,''

She hugged me lightly and kissed the top of my head.

Even though I was still not used to it and I flinched a bit, I felt a bit safer near her.

"Listen to me dear..you shouldn't dwell in the past so much.. however much painful what happened was and tormenting..you have to try and open your heart..you deserve happiness only and you are enough..you are loved and most importantly you are special ok?''she said and I nodded tears streaking down my cheeks.

"I'll try mae,''I whispered.

"My good boy..I love you so much,''

"I love you too mum,''

I stayed for a while contemplating on how to tell Mile about this.


"Ahem,''Dom cleared his throat at the doorway.

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