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"There's things I want to say to you..but I'll just let you live..like if you hold me without hurting me..you'll be the first to ever did''


I gripped onto the phone re-reading the message again and again.

What did he mean by this?

I called his number multiple times already but it went straight to voicemail.

"Can we come in?''

They were all beside me in no time.

One thing I was grateful for was that neither of them gave me those pitiful looks.

"So..I never thought I'd ever see you cry your eyes out like that-,''Anon elbowed Rome to the side before he could keep going down that path and he winced in reply.

"Can you two get straight to the point?''

I didn't have the energy to argue today..my attention couldn't be divided. I needed to focus on getting to the bottom of whatever was happening and drag my love back home.

"As I was saying before I got rudely interrupted..I feel like you're gonna want to hear this,''

I pulled my attention from the phone after staring at it with mixed emotions for what felt like hours.

"I'm going to amputate that fucking bastard!''

I abruptly rose up holding the phone and seeing the video Rome was showing me.

If it wasn't for Dom who kept on holding me back I would've thrown away any self respect I had for myself and rushed after Apo begging him to come back with me.

I wasn't dumb..I knew something was up but I didn't expect it to be related to that bastard.

He really was dumb.. coming back into Apo's life and even doing a mistake of laying his pathetic hands on him..after I planned on letting it slide like I promised Apo I would.

Now I'm pissed off..I'm raging and he's going to take responsibility.

I didn't want to do this but he fucking pushed my limits.

I wasn't thinking straight..the only thing that flooded my mind was revenge.

It was a dish best served when cold.

"Hey calm down there stallion... you can't just barge in there.. you're going to need a valid plan and back up,''Anon said and they all blocked my path.

"I know you want nothing but the best for me guys..but I would advise you all to step out of the fucking way otherwise you'll hate me for the rest of your lives,''

That man was still out there somewhere.. taunting and blackmailing the love of my life.

The lost look in his eyes..my heartt couldn't take seeing him hurt and hopeless and by now I'm sure he was blaming himself.

If he will end up hating me it's totally fine with me..he can blame me instead but my baby has gone through enough and I'll make sure to be there for him when he needs a shoulder to lean on.

But first..

"You can count on us.. we're coming with you,''they replied and I nodded.

We have a pest to get rid of.


"Tong! Oh thank goodness you're fine I was worried sick,''

"Apo..I'm fine..but are you ok?you look a little under the weather,''

I sighed and told him everything..I couldn't hide anything from him because he would figure out either way.

"Oh Apo..I appreciate that you care for me..but why would you do that? You know very well that he can't do anything to me..he just likes seeing you suffer,''

"You don't know that for sure Tong he's a monster..I couldn't leave you with him for another second,''

"I can't imagine what Mile must be feeling right now..Apo you have to talk to him,''


"Apo..don't be stubborn,''he grabbed my phone going through it with furrowed brows.

"You have been ignoring all his calls..this is wrong Apo and you know it,''

"I just don't want to cause any more trouble than I already have..let's just go home first I'll call him then,''

"He is just a ride away..why don't you go talk to him right now?''

"Tong..I just need some time..please,''

He sighed tiredly throwing his hand over my shoulder.

"Ofcourse..just don't take too much time..you will end up pushing him away,''

Maybe that's what is best for both of us.

I ignored the voice in my head and focused on the matter at hand.

"I will..I promise,''

"Good..now come on..let's go back home..I'll treat you to one of your favourite homemade meals,''

I smiled for the first time that day and relaxed beside him.

I knew I said I would call him once I get back home but I couldn't help texting him.

"I know I'm the last person you want to hear from right now but I'm very sorry Mile.''


He didn't reply though.

He really did hate me already..but who could blame him?

"Don't fucking apologise,''

He replied minutes after.

"Are you mad at me?I'm really sorry''

"I told you not to say that word again,''

"I know you already hate me but I had to..you have to understand it's what's best for both of us,''

"Don't say another damn word Nattawin.. wait for me once you get home I'll be there by midnight and Apo? Don't run away this time because if you do then I promise to stay away from now on.. tonight is your only chance for redemption,''

I closed my eyes for a brief moment swallowing the lump pressing against my throat.

My lips pressed into a thin line and I tucked my phone into my pocket.

He knew how to push me..and he wasn't a quitter.

He knew me well enough to know that if I wasn't put in a tight spot I wouldn't make a choice and I would still be tormented by self doubts.

I wonder what he was up to and why he specifically mentioned meeting at midnight.

Why would he be walking around at that ungodly hour?

I guess I have to wait and figure it out.

Authors note:

We're almost nearing the end.
Stay tuned🙃❤️and don't forget to vote and comment.

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