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SA awareness! ⚠️

Hello beautiful people...I wrote this specific story to point out the brutality and how inhuman this act is and how it negatively impacts on the survivor.

If you're going through this or you've by any chance gone through should know that this is a safe place for are are are amazing and the strongest person I know 💖

I could hug and tell you how precious you are and even though the world is've got this and it hurts a lot but you're life is so precious to mankind.

Tighten up that upper lip soldiers ❤️❤️

I love you sooo much and receive this virtual hug from me 🫂

This is not something to take lightly.

#be kind because you may never know what someone has gone through 💖

I'll keep updating as often as I can and even though it takes time but I have to make time because I love this space a lot❤️

I love you all and don't forget to show support 💗

You're all gorgeous 💋

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