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"Is your mom coming over?I terribly miss that woman,''

"I'm not surprised since all you two do is gossip about me,''I scoffed turning away to sign the papers.

"Such vile accusations against us..we could never and I mean never do such an absurd thing,''

I rolled my eyes so hard I feared they would get stuck at the back of my head.

"Save the little act..you know I'm the one signing the papers around here so you better behave because your fate lies in my hands,''

"I wouldn't prefer it any other way gorgeous,''

"Excuse me..are you two going to sign or keep eye fucking each other right in front of me?there's a line,''the receptionist said with a displeased expression.

"You don't need to take out your love life on us.. you'll find the right person when the time is right,''I replied and linked my fingers with Mile's.

"I apologize I've just had a rough week,''

The woman at the other end of the counter ended up venting about her relationship problems for over half an hour.

"Could you imagine that?then I found out that he's been fucking my father and to make matters worse he gave me herpes! I fear the same fate awaits my dad and I've tried to warn him but he's madly in love with my boyfriend!''

"Ex boyfriend,''Mile corrected and I gently slapped his arm.

"Well that's just foul,''I replied as we rubbed her back looking at her pitifully.

I just sat there hugging her as she cried her heart out.

I really feel terrible for those who don't get to feel how beautiful love is because of bad experiences..I mean I've been a victim too many times.

"Don't worry honey..the right person will eventually show up.. we're rooting for you,''I said and she smiled up at us.

"You guys are so cute together..I wish someone cared for me as much as you two care for each other...atleast seeing two happy couples brightens me up..thank you for this,''

"It was nothing.. although we should probably get going..I hope this won't be the last time we meet,''

"Really you two would like to meet again?''

We nodded and her smile widened.

"See you around then,''she waved enthusiastically stepping back behind the counter.

We said our good-byes and after paying for everything, we left the hospital.
We drove around town for a while and the anxiety really wracked up my nerves.

"You've been restless throughout the ride Apo.. anything bothering you baby?''

"No umm it's just..I think you should-no not should..it isn't an obligation ofcourse I don't even know why I said it like that in the first place,''I chuckled nervously waving my hand dismissively."just forget it,''

"No, you're obviously hiding something from me and it's bothering you..teerak..if telling me will make you feel better then go ahead,''

My heartbeat doubled at not only the pet name but the way his eyes were full of nothing but love and admiration.

"What?you're afraid I'll chicken out and break up with you?''I joked trying to ease the tension.

"Not a chance because if you do then I'll jump off this moving vehicle right on the highway,''

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