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"You two are late,''

We found her sitting at the entrance with her friends.

"Sorry mum..we had some business to attend to first,''

"I can see the business was really important,''she said staring at Mile's neck.

I reddened in embarrassment.

"Mile! I told you to put on a polo neck shirt or a scarf,''I whispered to him but he just shrugged his shoulders in response.

"So you're the Mile I've been hearing about?''

"Sawasdee Auntie,''he bowed his head greeting all of them and they nodded in approval.

"You don't have to be so formal with us son,''

"Ohoo you're so handsome come on there's a free space beside me,''an older woman probably in her mid fiftes said.

"But I'm seated right here beside you,''an older man said.

"Not anymore Albert find somewhere else to sit,''

"Ohoo Joyce when will you learn to leave these young men alone?''

"Probably never,''she said sipping her drink.

"I'm sorry for that Mile dear..it's just my personality sorry if I made you uncomfortable,''she said.

"It's ok I'm totally fine..besides I already have my eyes on someone and I don't plan on taking them off,''he said looking at me.

"Aww young love is so cute,''one of the other older ladies said smiling.

I cleared my throat loudly and they all looked at me.

"Mum..Mile is a very busy person..you asked him to come here and you've seen him already now I think we should get go-''

"It's ok Po..I have all the time today,''he replied before I could finish.

"Come on kids.. we'll tell you all about our rebellious days back then,''

We spent most of the days playing games and my mother embarrassing me so much I wished the ground would open up and swallow me.

Mile seemed to be having fun though..he smiled the whole time and followed me everywhere like a puppy.

"It's true Mile..you can ask him he used to fill his pants with tissue paper and ran around saying it was a horsetail,''

Speaking of..Mile was an extrovert and always cheerful and perverted but I've never seen him laugh this much.

"Mum enough is enough,''I said and the whole table booed.

"No we want to hear more of his embarrassing stories...he seems to have a lot of them,''

They all nodded eagerly in agreement.

Even though I was embarrassed..I felt genuinely happy.

I was thankful that my mother did not mention that one part of my childhood story.

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