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Hi guys how are you doing 😚

I've just realised I never did a proper introduction and I know some of you are wondering how the new characters probably look like so I'm going to show you images which probably resemble them..

If you know any of these characters in real life just go with the flow 😪 ✋
Dom..Rome and Lyle are fictional characters and I can only show you how they would probably look like and no reference should be made to real life people.


29 years.
Mile's boyfriend and potential husband of course.
Hates rich snobs(he ended up dating a billionaire)
Loves cats and kids.

Hates rich snobs(he ended up dating a billionaire)Loves cats and kids

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(He's so handsome 😭)


31 years.
Kalasin company CEO.
Apo's boyfriend and potential husband ofcourse.
Very possessive and loving.
Can climb mountains and cross oceans for a certain Nattawin (just a bit obsessed)
Agrees to anything and everything Apo suggests.

Can climb mountains and cross oceans for a certain Nattawin (just a bit obsessed)Agrees to anything and everything Apo suggests

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World's greatest shipper.
Brutally honest and open-minded.
Has an amazing motherly vibe.
Apo's best friend.
If he was given a dollar for everytime he shipped random people he would be bathing in money daily.

If he was given a dollar for everytime he shipped random people he would be bathing in money daily

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27 years.
His parents and Romes parents are partners in the biggest clothing brands branches all around Italy and most Asian countries.
Dreams of being a musician.
Caring and takes love veryy seriously.

Caring and takes love veryy seriously

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32 years.
CEO and shareholder of company.
Commitment issues.
Golden child
Miles best friend.

Golden childMiles best friend

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35 years.
Mile's bodyguard and childhood best friend.
Very smart and intellectual.
Very loyal.
Anon's potential boyfriend.(they haven't made it official)

(they haven't made it official)

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29 years.
Very smart and hardworking.
Obsessed with quantum physics and astronomy.
Perfectionist parents.
Miles best Friend.

Hope you're enjoying the story and don't forget to leave your concerns in the comment section and vote too <3

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Hope you're enjoying the story and don't forget to leave your concerns in the comment section and vote too <3

Have a great day😚

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