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The bodyguards made way plastering on fake smiles which were a way of pleading for tips.We did them that much since they were kind enough.

We had planned for a casual get away from all the spotlight but not even an isolated club away from the city could give us much of that.

Some of the "fans'' already fished out their mobiles shoving them in our faces.

The flashes from the crowd almost blindened us.

"Remind me why we're here again?..oh to have fun and get away from the spotlight..but guess what? All these cameras shoved in our faces doesn't change a single thing!''Anon vented out asking and answering his own questions.

He was frustrated and so was I...we couldn't stay any longer as news spread very fast and our parents would know of our whereabouts sooner or later.

Rome didn't seem to have much of a problem with it..he always lives for the applause.

"Aww don't be such party crashers..it'll be finee..lets just go in,''Rome said and we both took hold of him dragging him after us.

"I'm not spending the whole night signing autographs and being blinded by flash cameras.. remember what happened last time?,''Anon asked and we all gagged at the thought of it.

It was a rule to never speak of it again..it was too ambiguous and I would rather gobble up bleach than bring it up again.

We were almost left limbless while trying to cross the road.

Our cars were on the other side of the street so we had to cross over to get to them.

The car responsible for almost making us limbless screeched and halted in front of us.

The owners casually hopped off the car and started walking off to the entrance of the club.

*It was him*I thought to myself as I saw him again..his outfit was different from when I saw him last but it was the same aesthetic..

Yes I had already figured out his aesthetic... especially his love for converse and tiny shorts..his sleeves rolled up high and his hair ruffled.

"Hey Mile are you even listening?''Rome said waving his hands in front of my face.

"What...why?''I asked snapping out of my stupor.

"I was telling these morons to watch how they drive,''he said stepping up to them.

"Did you just call my friends and I morons?''the man asked turning back to face us.

He didn't seem pleased and I could sense the tension rising.

"You could've decapitated us at that rate or even worse!''Anon added.

"From what I can see all of your limbs are still intact,''he replied pointing to our feet as his friends chuckled behind him.

"Can we all just calm down and go have a great time in our own separate ways in the club?''

"What do you mean?I thought we were heading home..why the sudden change?''my friends asked and from their raised eyebrows I could tell they were confused.

"Wasn't the club the whole reason why we came to this part of town?''

They were considering it once again and I'm glad they didn't think much of it.

"But we have to find a way of making it upstairs without being noticed,''Rome said and we nodded in agreement.

Atleast upstairs there wasn't many people since it was out of bounds.

"We did come out for fun anyway so we might as well do something daring,''

When we turned around the odd man and his friends were already out of sight.

"We need a plan..we can't just walk in through the entrance..people will obviously notice us,''

"Then we need to get in from the back and fast..I'll be on the lookout..you two should check if the coast is clear,''

We hadn't done any sneaking around since highschool..the last time we sneaked around was when we stole the chemicals from the laboratory to carry out experiment and we had done much much worse..we were notorious kids back then but to the world we were golden boys.
This was going to be a piece of cake.

We barged into the upper room breathless.
We laughed so much our stomachs hurt.

"We executed the plan so well if I do say so myself,''I said as we plopped ourselves onto the couch in the middle of the room.

"I haven't felt this alive in years,''Anon said genuinely smiling for the first time that day.

"We make a pretty good team,''Rome said reaching into his trench coat for the drinks.

"When did you even grab those?''we asked looking over at him in disbelief.

"A  true magician never reveals his secret,''

We just shrugged our shoulders and took the drinks from him.

He really was a confusing fellow..no one really knew what was going on through that mind of his.

He did whatever he saw fit and was so carefree..like the world revolved around him.

As we were talking about anything and everything..just catching up on each others life.. the door clicked and we all ducked behind the couch.

It was him and his friends again.

"Good gracious not these weirdos again,''Rome groaned as we lay back on the couch.

"Apo I told you someone was already up here,''one of his friends said.

So his name was Apo..dully noted.

He scoffed angrily and turned to leave but I held back his arm.

Trust me..I was shocked with myself too but him and my friends looked even more shocked(and confused)

"There's enough room for all of us up here..you should stay,''I said looking him straight in the eye.

I took my time studying his features more closely and even though he was frowning he was still amazingly beautiful.

"Mile what are you doing?''Rome asked as they both looked at me in disbelief.

"Get your hands off of me,''he said shoving my arm away from his."just mind your own business then....we'll be way across the room,''he replied and I found myself smiling.

"What has gotten into you man?''

"It's just basic human decency,''

"But you've never been one to ask for people's company you always preferred if they left,''

I honestly didn't have an answer for that..it sort of just happened..I just found myself asking him to stay.. wanting to learn more about him..but it wasn't exactly easy when he seemed like he wanted to rip my head off the next minute.

Authors note:
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