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Salish had been feeling a bit off lately. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something just felt different. She tried to brush it off, thinking it was just stress from work or maybe a change in her diet. But as the days went on, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was up.

One day, while out running errands, she found herself in the aisle of the drugstore that sold pregnancy tests. She hesitated for a moment, but then decided to grab one and take it home. She didn't want to get her hopes up, but she also couldn't ignore the possibility that she might be pregnant.

When she got home, she nervously took the test and waited for the results. As the minutes ticked by, she felt her heart racing. Finally, the test showed a positive result. Salish's mind was racing. She wasn't sure what to do or how to feel. She knew she wanted to have a child someday, but she didn't know if she was ready for it now.

Salish decided to keep the news to herself for the time being. She hid the pregnancy test in the top cupboard and tried to act as normal as possible around her husband, Nidal. She didn't want to get his hopes up either, in case the test was wrong or if something happened.

As the weeks went on, Salish's body started to change. She was more tired than usual, and her appetite had changed. She knew she couldn't hide it forever, but she wanted to wait until the right time to tell Nidal. She wanted to make sure she was ready for this new chapter in their lives.

Finally, one day, Salish felt ready to tell Nidal. She sat him down and showed him the pregnancy test. Nidal's eyes widened with excitement and he hugged Salish tightly. They were both overjoyed at the news and couldn't wait to start this new journey together.


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