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Salish noticed a change in her body. Her periods became heavier and more painful than before. She was perplexed by this sudden change, as she had never experienced such discomfort in the past.

Salish decided to confide in nidal about her concerns. She approached him one evening, her voice filled with worry. "Nidal something strange is happening to me," she began. "Ever since the miscarriage, my periods have become heavier and more painful. I don't understand why this is happening."

Nidal  listened attentively, his eyes filled with concern. He held Salish's hand gently, assuring her that they would find a solution together. "Salish, you are not alone in this. We will seek medical advice and find out what could be causing this change. Remember, we are in this together," he said, his voice filled with love and support.

With Nidal's unwavering support, Salish mustered the courage to visit a gynecologist. The doctor examined her thoroughly and explained that sometimes, after a miscarriage, hormonal imbalances could occur, leading to changes in the menstrual cycle. Salish's body was still adjusting, and it was not uncommon for such changes to happen.

Although Salish felt relieved to have an explanation, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed about the situation. She worried that nidal  might think less of her or find her less attrative because of her heavier periods.

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