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Salish woke up one morning feeling a wave of nausea wash over her. She sat up in bed, hugging her husband tightly. The room spun around her, and she felt a cold sweat forming on her forehead. Something was definitely not right. She mustered up the strength to get out of bed and stumbled towards the bathroom. As soon as she reached the toilet, she doubled over and began to retch uncontrollably. It was clear that she was very sick.Salish's husband, alarmed by the sound of her vomiting, rushed into the bathroom to find her hunched over the toilet bowl. He held her hair back and rubbed her back soothingly, trying to provide some comfort in her moment of distress. Salish felt grateful for his presence, but she couldn't help but worry about what could be causing her illness. She had never felt this sick before, and it was starting to scare her.

Salish and her husband Nidal had been through a tumultuous journey of hope and heartbreak. After experiencing two devastating miscarriages, they found themselves once again at the hospital, filled with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The news of Salish's pregnancy brought both joy and trepidation, as they navigated the delicate path of hope and fear.The couple's previous miscarriages had left them emotionally scarred, and the fear of another loss loomed heavily over them. However, their desire to have a child and build a family was stronger than ever. With cautious optimism, they embarked on this new chapter of their lives, seeking solace and support from the medical professionals at the hospital.
Three times a charm they both said.
Salish and her husband Nidal had always dreamed of starting a family. They had been married for several years and had experienced the joy of pregnancy twice before, only to be devastated by two heartbreaking miscarriages. The pain and sorrow they felt were immeasurable, but they refused to let it define them. Instead, they embarked on a journey of hope and resilience, determined to overcome the challenges they faced and fulfill their dream of becoming parents.The first miscarriage was a shock to Salish and Nidal. They had been overjoyed when they discovered they were expecting their first child. The anticipation and excitement filled their hearts, and they began planning for the future. However, their dreams were shattered when Salish experienced complications and lost the baby. The grief was overwhelming, and they struggled to find solace in their pain.
Despite the heartache, Salish and Nidal refused to give up. They sought support from family, friends, and medical professionals who provided them with guidance and encouragement. They learned that miscarriages are more common than they had realized and that many couples go on to have successful pregnancies after experiencing such a loss. Armed with this knowledge, they decided to try again, holding onto the hope that their dreams would one day come true.The second miscarriage was even more devastating than the first. Salish and Nidal were filled with fear and doubt, questioning whether they would ever be able to carry a child to term. The emotional toll was immense, and they found themselves questioning their own strength and resilience. However, they refused to let despair consume them. Instead, they turned to each other for support, finding solace in their shared determination to overcome the obstacles they faced.

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