Care | Hubert von Vestra

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50 Wordless Ways to Say I Love You (#48):
Making their coffee just the way they like it
"Edelgard would be disappointed to hear of your recent endeavors. Or lack of, for better words."

"Lady Edelgard, mind you. There are no endeavors and no lack of, either. I simply dozed off for a moment."

"A minute asleep is an opportunity wasted, according to Ferdinand."

"And yet to Linhardt, an opportunity needs sleep to fester and grow. Of course, the pompous man would say such a thing, he's always doing so much. He's right, however." Hubert sighed, sitting up straight in his chair and picking up a quill.

"I think Linhardt may know more about sleeping than Ferdinand. You should follow his advice. As the amount of rest you get declines, so does your work ethic and quality."

"My work quality does not concern you. Goodbye."

You moved to sit on the edge of his desk, leaning back on your hands. Hubert rolled his eyes. "When's the last time you slept, anyways? It's past midnight already-"

"I said goodbye."

"Your words are meaningless to me. I know you would do nothing to kick me out."

Hubert rolled his eyes and sat back, looking up at you. "You never come unless you desire something. I don't have the time to abide by whatever silly wish you have this time."

You could only laugh and reach up, running your fingers through his fringe. He tried to dodge your hand, but you persisted. "My wish is that you take some time to relax."

Standing up, you walk behind him and clasp his shoulders, squeezing them gently before moving your hands up and down his biceps. Hubert was far from relaxed- even without touching him, you could see the tense muscles in his neck.

Your fingers lightly trailed from his arms up to the junction of his neck and shoulders before pressing down on the many knots he harbored beneath his skin. A small sigh was heard from the man before he seemed to regain his senses and swatted your hand away.

"Y/N, tell me, do you really want to be useful to me right now?"

You furrowed your eyebrows- was he not enjoying the massage? "Sure?"

"I'd like coffee."

"Wh- you do realize that coffee will do the exact opposite of what I'm trying to achieve, right?"

"In my eyes, you are trying to achieve something impossible. If you want me to rest, then you should first help me get my to-do list finished. I will rest once I am done."

You groaned loudly and stomped out of Hubert's room. He was always so stubborn. As were you, you had to admit, but you just wanted him to take better care of himself. You cared for him- not that you would ever admit it- and just wanted him to be at his best.

You continued to curse the man out as you made him a cup of coffee- black, only a pinch of sugar. You made yourself some too, because there was no way he was going to stay up and work all alone.

Carefully walking back to the room, you set Hubert's coffee down and sipped your own. He thanked you with a nod and brought it up to his lips. If the still-scalding liquid bothered him in any way, he certainly didn't show it.

"It's perfect. Thank you, I suppose."

You scoffed, "You suppose."

Hubert chuckled softly and turned in his chair to face you fully. "You know, you're awfully adamant about spending time with me. About me taking care of myself and being cautious. It almost seems as if you fancy me."

"I- wh- fancy you?" You sputtered, face turning a bright red. "Can I not care for a fellow soldier? An ally? Dare I say a friend?"

"You can," He smirked, "But you don't fret over your other friends like you do me."

You could only do so much to protect your feelings, so you continued on the path of denial. "You're delirious."

You reached up to flick his forehead in a mock-angry way, but he grabbed ahold of your wrist and yanked you forward until you were nose to nose with him. His eyes glinted with some emotion- mischief, playfulness, and a bit of something that you couldn't name before he pulled you again, making you sit on his lap.

Your back was pressed against Hubert's chest and he caged you between himself and the desk, picking back up his quill and beginning to write.

"And you're obvious. You can care for me, but let me finish this work first."

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