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"Home again, home again to strike a fat pig."

I looked up and Aimé smiled, leaning over to kiss my cheek. I returned it as I tossed my backpack into the backseat of his car. Aimé did the same, then hugged my form as I leaned against the car door.

"I can't believe our vacation is almost over, Theo." he grumbled, sniffing and nosing my hair while I loosely hugged his waist. "I want to extend it."

"We can do that," I said with a laugh. "But how about we take a detour on the way home and explore for a few days?"

Aimé squeezed my form. "Sounds good to me. We can contact our parents in the car."

"Alrighty, Aimé."

"Where would you like to go?"

"Hmm," I hummed against his chest. "How about the mountains? And then we can take a hike and find a lake to jump in to make more use of our bathing suits."

Aimé chuckled. "It's still going to be pretty cold, my rayiys. We might even encounter snow."

"Oh, then we should buy some warm clothes on the way."

"I can't wait to dress you up." he murmured into my right ear.

I smiled and inhaled deeply of my fiancé's scent, relaxing in his arms. I hummed, then rubbed my face on his chest.

"It's hard to believe we're finally officially engaged."

Aimé cupped the back of my head and kissed my crown. "I know the feeling, Theo. It's all so surreal that I proposed to you a few days ago and you said yes."

"Do you think Papa and Dad were expecting this? I mean, they already knew we were unofficially engaged before."

My man snorted and rubbed my back. "My cute rayiys, of course they knew I'd propose."

"What do you mean?"

"I properly asked them for your hand in marriage."

My eyes snapped open and I moved back a bit to reach up and grasp his face. Aimé's brown-hazel eyes burned with bright gold as I stared up at him in amazement. I rubbed his cheeks and gently pulled him down as I stood up on my tiptoes. Aimé vibrated with happy purrs as he easily lifted me into his arms. I hugged my man tightly and peppered his head and face with kisses.

During my break due to numb lips, I whispered, "Thank you, Aimé! I love you so much."

Aimé beamed and rubbed my back. "I didn't think you would be so happy, but now I'm even more glad I did it thanks to this impromptu smooch session."

I grinned and pecked his lips once more. "I really do love you, Aimé."

He purred and hugged my form tighter before reluctantly putting me down again. "I really do love you too, my cute Theo." he whispered softly, petting my hair as he tucked my face against his chest.

"What would you like to do during the rest of our vacation, Aimé?"

His body heated up. "Well, I have an idea, but it makes me jealous and envious just thinking about it."

"What, are you planning for me to do a striptease in public or something?" I asked with a teasing tone, laughing right afterwards.

But, as expected, my cute man was growling angrily at the thought of me doing anything that scandalous in a public setting. I couldn't help my giggle, then snickered when Aimé huffed. He pouted until I gave him a kiss.

"Then what are you thinking about, my lovely man?" I asked sweetly, looping my arms over his shoulders in his curled state. "Unless you're planning on keeping it a secret?"

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