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Dad was completely unperturbed by the dagger-like glares and silent questions being directed towards him while we ate lunch. I was sitting between him and Aimé with them being respectively on my right and left sides. Of course, the silent questions were being aimed at my man and I as well, but the vast majority was towards my father.

"Do you have enough of these?" asked Dad, pointing to the homemade baked sweet potato fries.

I grinned. "One more, please?"

Dad chuckled and plucked one off the top of the plate, then kissed my lips before he pushed the fry past them. That made some eyebrows go up, of course, but my father ignored them.

Aimé chuckled as he watched the fry bounce while I brought it almost all the way into my mouth. "You're so cute, my rayiys."

I paused with a little bit of the fry sticking out, eyeing him with a smile. My cute man grinned and pushed the fry all the way in, then pecked my lips. I rubbed my left cheek on his shoulder and bicep, fully enjoying his smiles, laughter, and purring. I love him so much.

"Okay, I can't take this anymore." stated Uncle Tristan, breaking the Armel family's silence. "What the hell is going on?"

My father eyed him. "What do you mean? The kisses I'm sharing with my son and or the acceptance of them with my extremely possessive to-be son-in-law?"

Aimé beamed and rubbed his right cheek on my head. I hugged his waist and grinned, feeling very happy right now.

"Yes!" exclaimed Tristan. "Only a blind person would miss all the cues and clues that Aimé is giving us to let us know Teddy belongs to him and him alone. So how the hell are you, Teddy's father, kissing your son on the lips and getting away with it? Not only that, but incest is a crime!"

My dad sighed and wiped his lips, setting the napkin down. "Initially, it started because I was both jealous and envious of Theodore's papa, Lionel Viper. I really wanted to be as close to my son as Lionel is, and we are now."

I nodded. "Yep, Papa and Dad are on equal standing with me and each other. And Aimé likes both Dad and my papa a lot."

To prove my point (and show that Aimé really does like him), my fiancé leaned in front of me and gave Dad a soft peck on the cheek. He smiled when my father chuckled and patted his head. Aimé returned to his position for me to shower him with lots of affection, which I gladly did and received ten times the amount given.

"That doesn't explain anything," remarked my aunt. "How did you even come to this conclusion?"

My father looked at me to explain, so I shrugged and nodded. I wiped my lips, then stated loud and clear, "I helped him reach that conclusion."

Excluding Dad, Aimé, and my own self, everyone's eyebrows shot up. I chuckled and sipped at my glass of water.

"Dad was extremely insecure in our relationship of just being father and son since my papa and I were—and still are—extremely close. So, I proposed some bonding time with Dad. He was on the fence because of all that you've just brought up, Uncle Tristan, but there is nothing sexual about our relationship."

Aunt Carine scowled. "So kissing with tongue is not sexual?"

I glanced at Aimé, who was now kissing my left hand's fingers without a care in the world. "It is sexual and romantic between my fiancé and I, but it's not a sexual thing between Dad, Papa, and myself. It's just...natural, I suppose. It's a form of affection that brings us peace, happiness, and closeness."

Dad pushed my hair back and kissed my forehead, grinning when I nuzzled his jawline and kissed his chin. "Yes, I don't see Theodore as a romantic partner. I have a cute one of my own. I just see Theodore as both my son and friend."

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