Chapter 1 - New York...

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Xalianas pov -

It's been 4 years..that many years since I've seen my parents or any light in my life. I look at our small house trying to decorate it so I feel somewhat better about my life. I didn't even think my family knows I'm in New York.

I remember my older sister caught me on the balcony with Khalil. My used to be lover. I don't know if it was even love, right when she caught us two hugging each other he ran away like a rat and never came back.


I felt betrayed. My entire family was pissed off and disappointed. I had begged them not to and I learned my lesson but that didn't help, they married me off to my dads best friend who had been looking for a young fresh fruit.

My two older brothers didn't even want to see my face while my sister kept calling me names and my mother didn't even want to attend the small wedding ceremony that took only one hour. My father didn't attend...

Since we're poor we did the wedding in our house and no one came just the imam to make us officially married. The man I had to married..Ayaan. Right after the wedding we spend a year in Afghanistan but then he got a job offer in America New York which was some exciting news to be honest. We moved here.

Ayaan is always trying to get me to touch him but I always resist and he just touches me now and I feel like it's fire on skin— in a uncomfortable way. But later on I got used to it.

But I don't let him have all of me. At this point I feel like a doll. A doll that gets touched without permission. He can get aggressive rarely if I really really really annoy him.

Ayaan works at some company, he come home very late sometimes or sometimes early. I work at Walgreens. I work night shifts because morning I'm always busy with house chores and I don't have to see Ayaan and his touchy hands.

I had made a friend that always came to the small store. She would always busy the same junk food. Slowly we started to become close and now she's the only person that I talk to besides Ayaan.

She's literally the best thing that ever happened to me. She does reckless stuff and drags me into it. I've never felt more like a criminal. Like for example this one times we saw a motorcycle parked by a club and she managed to turn it on and rode us but when we returned it the entire gang was angrily waiting outside.

I made an excuse and said we sound it on the road and returned it here. Still we got in trouble and we had to take a run for it. It's fun though.

I was cleaning up my mess from all the decorations I just finished but my phone started to buzz. I smile and pick it up. I thought it was isadora but it wasn't.

I picked it up with a frown. "Salam.." I mumble and I hear his voice on the other end. "Pretty wife, did you cook my food." He said and I cringed at his nickname that I got used to.

"'s in the oven, I have work in a few hours." I mumble and he grunts. "You shouldn't work at night. This is stupid! You're a women you can't defend yourself if someone tries to steal you. You're mine." I gotten used to his words. At this point they have no effect on me.

I hum I'm response. "I'll be home late-" "before I can finish my sentence he cut me off. "I want you in my bed by 12." He said in a grunting manner and cut the call.

I huff and roll my eyes. I get the place clean and pick my phone up. I open the door and get my working bag. It's only 8, almost night but not yet. I'm going to work now till 12 I'll text my boss about it.

I make my way to the small Walgreen shop. I crossed the street and in a little bit I already arrived. I get inside the small store and pull my long sleeve hoodie down. It's early winter so it's so cold. Winter just started. The ac is always on blast here too.

Every winter it doesn't snow that much, when it does it disappears the next day. Global warming.

I stand behind the counter with and just do my job at this point. A couple of hours passed by, I had some customers here and there but overall it was quiet.

I heard the stores bell ring indicating someone came in. I looked up and a smile spread my lips. "Dora!" I yell excitedly and she squealed herself. She instantly hopped ontop of the counter and turned to me.

"Let's go." She said and picked up one of the chocolate bars on the counter and opened it. She took a bite and turned to me again. I give her a sigh and shake my head disappointed.

"I can't, I have work.." i really wish I could just walk out again but I'm already supposed to come home at 12. So many thanks to Ayaan. "Im also on a fricken curfew" I rolled my eyes and snatched the chocolate bar and take a bite myself.

"Is it the Asshole again? I swear imma beat him up! What's his damn problem!" She spitted out making me wipe my face.

"I feel you.." I mumble and and handed her the chocolate bar. She sighed and hopped off. "You're the boss of you. If you're willing to go I got key.." she said held up someone's motorcycle keys. My eyes widen and I stare at her.

She stole someone's keys. She always rides the bike because I know damn well I can't. "I can't m sorry." I frown and she sighed defeated. "Fine but that means we go to my place tomorrow.."

I've never been to her place. I think about it, I have work tomorrow though. "After work.." I said and she nodded. "Deal!"

"Wait, it will be 10 by the time I'm finish with work and it will be late already-" before I can finish my sentence she spoke.

"Girl I'll find you a ride stop worrying. See you tomorrow!" She yelled and kissed my cheek. Then she left just like that.


I was already home and getting ready for bed. It's been a very boring day. I open the room door that we sleep in. My face falls in a frown as I see Ayaan laying with his face in his hand. He's facing opposite of me so he didn't see me come in yet.

I get to the bathroom and change my cloth. I did my night routine and step out the bathroom. I head towards the bed. He looked up at me and smiled. "Come here pretty wife, I missed you." He said grabbing my arm and pushing me towards his chest forcefully.

"I didn't.." I mumble to myself. He's old so he probably didn't hear me. I pushed him away forcefully and laid on my side facing away from him.

He grabbed my arm tightly and pushed me towards his chest. "Don't push away pretty wife." He said hugged my waist.

His breath was hitting my neck. "No men flirted with you today right?" He said against my ear and I cringed. "No, move you ogre!" I yell but he fully ignored me and held me tight.

"Good because you're mine!" He yelled against my ear making me hiss. I turn to him and slap his neck. "You sound so fricken stupid!" I yelled and his eyes darken a little.

He pushed my face towards him. "What was that pretty wife." He said in a passive aggressive way. I turned my head away from him and numbly stared at the wall.

"I thought so pretty wife." He said and held my waist tighter. His hands roamed around more and I forced myself to go to sleep. He makes me sick.


I hope it wasn't boring :/ but trust me it gets so good!! Y'all will get butterflies 🦋

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