Chapter 27 - Hubris

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Xalianas pov -

We both lay on her couch talking about what happened. She was very happy that I said some things to him that made him feel bad but then she got angry when she heard the other snarky comments he was saying while his friends laughed about it. I did mention her brother and how he beat the shit out of his dear friend.

She was flabbergasted and didn't believe me at first but then believed me after. She still had her mouth hanging out while some drool trickled down the side of her mouth. I laughed out loud and hit her arm playfully letting a ew out. She laughed back. And then we became serious again.

"I'm glad he stood up for you, I would of beat his ass. He knows your my bestie." She pats my leg and wiggled her eyebrows. I didn't know what that meant but I smiled warmly at her.

I then told her how I literally had a whole meltdown after that and she gave me another hug which I took in but pushed her away once she spoke. "Did my brother comfort you?"

"The hell does that mean." I scoff laughing at that silly comment. "Duh he didn't." I said it in a obvious tone and manner making her roll her eyes. "Think whatever you want." I shrugged and nodded. "I am."

She playfully hit me and I hit her back. "Are you hungry?" I nodded immediately at her words. "I'm gonna starve at this point." I get off the couch letting a hungry whine out. I feel so much better when I'm with her.

I enter the dimly lit kitchen and open their fridge. Isadora was in the living room still picking a movie to watch. Nothing in the fridge looked good so I bend down to the huge cabinets. Her kitchen is so huge it's two rooms combined. It has a door too in which was left open now.

I found only one bag of chips but I know she has more. She hides it in here instead of the patio so it's neatly hidden..from me. She tends to complain that I don't eat anything but chips.

Which isn't entirely true

I eat meals but sometimes with work and Ayaan giving me stress it's kinda hard to eat proper meals. I stress eat a lot! Ayaan gets annoyed by that, he does know I gained some weight here in NY but not extremely but enough to look back and say I was sticks and bones before. He said that not me.

I have some meat on me now. I feel healthier than before. I surely look healthier too. My before picture is honestly scary to me. If I were to see my parents again..they wouldn't even recognize me. Do they still think about me? Miss me? Regret doing this to me?

I get up again and walked over to their patio. There better be some snacks. "You better get real food!!!" She yelled over and I groan. I can't believe I have to get a whole meal now. "How?" I yell back and she said she doesn't know which was very helpful.

I get hummus and some of the pita chips in a plate and bowl. I then added some spices to the plain pita chips. I reached up in the cabinet and get some spices that I had got her. She never goes shopping. And I don't think her brother does either. I feel like sometimes the food magically appears out of no where.

As I was prepping the small 'meal' I hear footsteps behind me. "Dora I couldn't find actual food so I just got hummus and pita chips. If you complain imma make you starve. You're kinda annoying when you say—"

I turned around midway ranting but dread covered me when I caught an eye on him. His back is faced toward me while he makes some kind of thing. I stared at his back longer than I should have. Why is it so huge? Is that no normal? Of course he's not normal.

He literally can wear a hoodie and I could still tell he has a muscular back. What's the word? He's very like masculine. His body is. His personality sucks like dirt. Maybe today he did something nice like defending me when that dude almost punched me.

But I was surprised. I thought Angel would just join and punch me too. He did give me a bruise on my wrist. I should let it go but I can't. He pointed a gun at me too. I don't think I can let that ever go.

"Say what..continue." I stared blankly at his back feeling very uncomfortable because I don't know what to say or do. And why does he want to know. "Nothin.." I know he was just teasing.

He doesn't seem like the type which surprised me. It was silent for a few minutes until he looked like he's turning around so I turned around before him and pretend to work on my hummus and pita chips.

My fingers feel numb now. I want him to leave. Why does this always happen to me? Literally why. I'm barely doing anything.

A tall shadow appears behind me and it caused me to froze still not moving as if he'd punch me if I do. He reached over next to me— or behind me..? I don't really know. He's just so close it's one of the two.

He reached over and got a fork from one of the drawers and in his hand was a bowl of freshly chopped fruits. They look kinda good. He was moving extra slow, and I didn't move at all.

"How you feelin'" his New York accent is very prominent. I bit down on my lips and nodded. I ignored the feelings I'm my body. I'm feeling uneasy. I'm more focused I'm getting my fists ready in case he changes his mind and starts a fight. I didn't show it though. Duh

"Ok.." It came out soft and quiet and I didn't want to look up at him, maybe he's halting at me now. Or maybe he has his gun out. Does he carry his gun everywhere? I should probably thank him for not letting that guy have a chance to beat me up.

I was nervous though. I've never liked this man or ever want to thank him. He scared me and he's proven it too. But it was would be selfish of me if I didn't say thank you. I could of gotten hit. On top of that he asked me how I'm feeling. Surprising I know. He's literally like my enemy right now but I gotta do it.

He took his bowl, fork and then began to walk away from the kitchen. "Angel.." that nickname slips off my tongue a bit uncontrollably. I played with the plate in my hand. And could tell he stopped but looked tense.

"I just wanna say thank you..if you weren't there I'd be knocked out.." I nervously chuckle but it was awkward silence again. "Pretend it never happened. This never happened."

His tone was very disturbed. He sounded angry, it was as if he didn't like me saying thank you to him. What the heck is wrong with him? Your welcome? What happened to that. Why is he so mad. I didn't do anything but thank him. "What?" I said confused and he stopped again.

"Try not being the problem." Is all he said before leaving the kitchen. I stood there confused and angry. I just hate him more now. Why is he so hubris? What kicked him this morning. What did I say? I literally did nothing wrong. Men are a problem.


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