Chapter 5 - Red File

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Xalianas pov -

Dora promised to pick me up, we're goin in her car. I have to get ready still. I was trying to look for a dress to wear that wasn't too much for a restaurant.

I watched from the window as Dora's car pulled up to the driveway. She gets out of the car. I told her to come extra early so she can help pick my outfit.

dressing up is a problem because Ayaan doesn't want other men seeing me with dresses so beautiful that define my body. I'm shorter terms, he will get mad if I wear dresses. So I did the right thing,

I bought some

I only bought what's on sale because I didn't have that much money. My dear husband doesn't give me money so I started working. But I still loose some of my money sometimes, I don't know how but when I get my paycheck the next day I look into my account and it's only half. It's like someone's takin my money.

I asked Ayaan but he said he didn't know, but I have a feeling it's him. I get in mine and Ayana room and pulled the shopping bag that had three dresses. The room door slammed open and I turned around. I smiled at Dora. "Welcome!! how help me." I said with a fake nice voice and then dropped my smile and act.

She rolled her eyes and threw her purse on the bed. She was about to sit on the bed but she gave a disgusted look and didn't sit. "Which side does the jerk sleep on?" She pointed at the bed.

"The side you almost sat on." I chuckled and watched her gag. She runs to the side I sleep on and sat there instead. "Watchu got" she said and I pulled each dress out.

When I pulled the last dress out the bag she gasped. "Yes!" I looked at the dress and smiled, it's very pretty. It's a floral dress that kinda hugs my body but I liked it.

Isadora also has a floral dress so we could match. I picked the dress up and start to get ready. Just as I started to do my makeup I hear Dora speak. "So you'll never find your love life? Like you have to be stuck with this jerk?"

I didn't know what to tell her. I feel so eager sometimes for a relationship that I am happy in. "Do you think I'm a attention seeker?" I said facing her and she looked at me completely confused. "Girl you're the opposite of that word." She chuckled and I winked at her.

"Thanks babe." She blew me a kiss and I smiled. What is it like being in a relationship like Dora is in? I'm slowly craving some kind of attention or love or maybe even desire which is like playing with fire.

I kept my feelings hidden and continued doing my makeup. "Do you ever get horny?" She snorted and I looked at her completely over her already.

"Imma throw something at you." She laughed and gets up. "You right, no one finna fuck this man."

I chuckled and went to do my makeup again. "Hey do you have line paper?" She said and I looked at her squinting my eyes owning she's up to something.

"Why.." I said suspiciously and she smirked. "I wanna write some stupid shit in it and tape it to some idiots back."

My mouth was slightly opened at her horrors plan. "How could you...plan this without me." I smirked and she squealed.




Me and isadora sat down at the table her brother booked for us. "What did your brother say when you told him I am coming?" I spoke first when we were seated.

She picked up the menu, "I didn't tell him yet." She said so cautiously while my eyes widen at her. "What? I'm basically crashing in." I can't with this girl anymore.

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