Chapter 11 - Angel

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Xalianas pov -

My breathing was at a past pace. I felt as if no one existed currently. I'm saying this cheesy stuff because right now I'm face to face with Angelo. He's looks back at the road and slows down.

I looked down at my grip and gasped. "Oh my bad." I said and still a giggle slipped out of my mouth. I've never ever laughed this much with a man before. Ayaan had never made me laugh this much. Okay I need to stop.

I sat in my seat with a smile placed on my lips. I didn't bother looking his way. I put on my seat belt and think of what happened seconds ago. I looked over at him and my heart felt like it sank, it's as if worms were in my stomach. I think it's butterflies not words. I mean worms would be disgusting.

He was speeding so much that were already at 711. I could get a Slurpee. They also have donuts here too. I quickly get out out when he parks. I'm so fricken hungry. He was taking forever to get out the car. I'm making sure he doesn't leave me here and I end up paying. I don't have any money sir.

He gets out the car and clicked his car keys button to lock it. "Hurry grandpa." That accidentally slipped from my mouth. He turned to me but I already turned around and went towards the entrance. It's actually really cold inside. Why the heck would they put the air conditioner on in this cold season.


I fold my arms trying to get some heat. I go to the snack isle and grabbed two of each. Chips; all the halal ones I can find and there were a lot of my favorite thankfully. And for candy, there were so many I had to get a basket. I held the now heavy basket and grabbed drinks too. I also grabbed a small chocolate cake.

I made my way to the Slurpee and grabbed two large Slurpees, mine is Coke flavor and I grabbed a blue one for Dora. as I was putting the caps on them I felt a presence behind me. I turned around and I watched as his tall figure leaned against the counter.

His eyes were on mine but then drifted to the basket on the floor filled to the top. He raised an eyebrow and looked back at me. I glare at him. "What..?" I said and he just came closer to me. I leaned my head up to look at him. I'm not moving back, in fact I'm staying where I am.

He leans down and my eyes widen. Then he stands up again I looked at his hand and see he was only grabbing the basket. He was waiting by the counter already. I grabbed the two drinks and made my way there too.

He placed the basket on the counter, i watched as the cashiers face looked so surprised. I feel bad that he has to scan all this. I placed the two Slurpees down too and he started scanning.

After literally 10 minutes he put eveyrthing in bags and I held the two drinks again. "Your total is $106.99" he said and looked at me and I looked at Angelo who was leaned down against the counter, his hands both placed on the counter watching this too. He looked at me and gestured me to give the cash. I grab two of 5 bags.

"Thanks for paying." I stated and opened the door exiting. I can still feel his eyes on me as I left and walked towards the car. I feel kinda bad that he had to pay but he's rich, it doesn't hurt him and Dora promised me this.

I waited by the car with two bags on my arm and I was holding both drinks. I took a sip from mine. The cold wind gushes past me making me shiver. I finally see him get out with the rest of the bags in his hands. He walked towards the car and puts the stuff down. His eyes glued onto mine while he opened the car. I smile and get in the car.

He puts the rest of the stuff in the back of the car and I smile feeling as if I did a good deed. I sit down with the two drinks in my hand. They were freezing my hand. I put them in a cup holder that was in the car.

He gets in the car and I didn't say anything but stare at him. Before he started the car he stared at me. He started the car finally and drove away. The junk food can be dinner.

He started to speed home. I noticed how he texts and drives. For some reason I wouldn't trust anyone else doing this. But we haven't crashed yet so it's all good.

I see the car stop at their place. I quickly get out. I did text Dora and she said her dear boyfriend had just left so it's safe to come in. I grabbed some bags and the two drinks in my arms. Angelo grabbed the other bags and I made my way up to Dora.

They live in a penthouse but the entire building is there's apparently. And the building is literally so beautiful. It's one of those new aesthetic buildings. It's crazy how rich they are.

I turned around ti face him and see him closing the at door which had the other bags. Then I said something that was unexpected from me.

"Thanks Angel."


More coming!

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