Chapter 10 - Fat Meat

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Xalianas pov -

I'm not fricken crazy. Maybe I am, well maybe I'm very crazy but I'm yet to reach that part of me. I feel like if I activate that part of me then— this entire world should go on lockdown. Jk.

Im not that crazy. I hope. I looked at the papers in my hand that i basically took from that red file Kai had. I haven't read anything or understand what it's saying. Its very crumbled up too. Dora called saying Kai called on her phone number.

I honestly didn't expect that, she said he asked if he knew anything about a red file and she quickly blocked his number and removed him from her contacts. I called her stupid because she just made it suspicious and obviously.

Maybe he doesn't suspect it and thinks he got the wrong number? I'm just hoping at this point. We got some unknown documents that is maybe important to them. I have to hide them, my purse isn't a good place.

I slide a chair towards the high cabinets in the kitchen. I placed it on top of all the cabinets while I climb my way on top of the counter. Once I did that I made my way down slowly to the chair. I get of the chair and slide it towards it's original spot.

I grabbed my phone and purse which had the house keys. I quickly get out the house and closed the door. I quickly as possible made my way to a taxi that I had called on some random app.

I get inside the taxi and closed the door behind me. I sit in the seat and smiled at the driver. "Hi, I had already send you the address through the app." I said kindly to him.

The driver looked at me through the mirror. I took a look at him though that mirror. One thing for sure, he's definitely desi. "Yeah." He said and looking though the mirror at me again. I send him a bright smile, in which he returned.

"You're very pretty." I smiled at his words. It's not like he's trying to do something to me, it's just a small nice complement."Thanks.." he looked at me through the mirror again once I said those words.

After awhile he dropped me off at Dora's house gates in which he begged me to come then she'll buy me a bunch of snacks. She better have those snacks waiting for me.

I paid the driver and was about to leave but he stopped me in my tracks. "Hey wait." I stopped and turned around. He gets out the car and jogged towards me. I stand there with a polite smile on my face but slightly confused. maybe I didn't give enough money..?

"Can I take you out on a date?" He said deeply staring into my eyes in a way that made me move back. I was surprised at his words, I don't even know his name..

"Sorry..I'm—" before I can finish he gets on one knee. "Marry me!" He yelled making me look at him in full surprise. What is this man doing?

"No" I said and backed up. The No came out more harsher than I thought it would. I don't think it was nice but it was good enough to make him stand and clear his through.

"I'm in a relationship already..but I hope you find someone." I said fighting the urge to laugh. I don't think anyone else would find it funny besides me. I quickly made my way into the gates and up to the door. I wave at the man and rudely opened the door not bothering to knock.

I run inside laughing before closing the door. I watch as Dora comes in view. She runs towards me and slammed into me for a hug. I groan but hug her back. She dragged me to her room. Once we were in her room I sat on the bed exhausted.

"Kai called?" I said getting to the point and she nodded. "He fucking called!" She yelled and jumped next to me on the bed. "I was so fucking nervous that I didn't respond and blocked him immediately." I stare at her like she had two heads.

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