Chapter 25 - Uncomfy

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Xalianas pov -

I feel like I might faint. Uncomfortable feelings run through my body like a electric shock. Men. Their all men who are holding a cigarette in their hands. Why did I even come out here. I should of just left it aside in case he notices and comes back for it.

I feel stupid right now. I wanna get out of here but the wallet in my hand is making me stop. It's not my wallet so if I run away with it, it's stealing.

"Damn." One of them whispered and took a sip of the beverage that's in a glass bottle. Apple juice?

I get closer to the guy from before and keep my eyes on the ground or anywhere but theirs. Especially mr. Isadoras mean brother. I can't believe I'm here doing this. I better get a good deed back in return.

"Hey gorgeous, you wan a sip?" I choose to ignore the other men comments who laughed and instead I approach the silent man that dropped his wallet and is probably mad because I rejected him.

He didn't say a word and nor did Angel. I played with the wallet in my hand and approached him. His mouth formed a smirk the closer I got to him. "Back already babe?" My stomach twisted in fear plus being uncomfortable.

My inner demons are saying to just accept him as your boyfriend and let him save you. But in reality his personality sucks, he got mad when I rejected him, he smokes, he drinks, he's not Muslim, he doesn't make my heart beat any faster nor make my stomach remake butterflies.

But I haven't felt that ever since Khalil, first time I felt my heart beat and the first time I felt it broke.

I extended my arm out and motioned to the wallet. "You left your wallet sir." I didn't know what to refer him as. I just hope I don't sound weird.

"Sir? Fucking playin with me? Playin hard to get?"

I was taken back by his words. What the hell is he talking about? Has he hit his head? Does that turn him on or something? That's some disgusting thing. I scrunched my face in pure disgust. "Excuse me?"

"You was teasing me." He licked his lips and walked closer to me. I shake my head immediately, what the hell! I didn't tease him. Can someone be that low?

I clenched my jaw and stepped back to leave. He's clearly out of his mind if he thinks I was trying to pull him. What a pathetic jerk.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. You're not that special. I don't like low life's like you." I let my hand out again for him to take his pathetic wallet. He wasn't smiling or smirking anymore. Instead he had a angry expression.

Meanwhile, the other men were laughing their butts off and acting all shocked when I rejected him twice. "You know what, why the hell would I date a women who is too insecure to even show her hair."

"This bitch giggled and twirled her hair- oh she doesn't have hair." The crowd of his friends erupted with laughter. "Dude!" His friend laughed and stepped in.

"You is right tho" they all confined to make ridiculous comments. My head dropped to my feet and my face flushed to a red color. "You're so full of it, you think I enjoyed it. I enjoyed destroying your pathetic ego."

My voice sounded less as confident because his before comment makes me wanna cry. He stepped in again like a idiot while his friends enjoyed it. Is angle laughing? I'm too fricken afraid to look.

"Bruh you said..'really?'" He imitated a squeaky girls voice. "Destroy my ego? Fucking say that shit again and I'll break your other arm."

Out of reflex my mind immediately moved my hand behind my back. One of his friend watched and pointed while laughing. I take a quick peek at angel and I felt a little hurt seeing a small smirk on his face but after that threat the guy just said his smirk fell slowly and he inhaled his cigarette aggressively.

I turned around to leave the group of maniacs but a rough voice hauled me midway. "Wait." I stood there for a few seconds before turning to him. It's angel. What yeah hell is he going to say? Maybe sorry? No he's not going to do that.

"Give the wallet."

Seriously? Jerk and jerk are friends and it shows. I made my way to the idiot who's smirking and laughing with his friends and threw his wallet in his face. "You're welcome for being considerate and giving you this"

"So you stole it? Shit, you broke too?" He laughed and opened his wallet while I clenched my fists angrily. I looked at my side and glared at angel. He had his eyes on the wallet and then moved his sharp Sanpaku eyes towards me.

"The only thing that's going to be broken is your nose." I said mostly in a whisper because I had no confidence to tell him that. He looked up from his wallet and strides towards me like he had heard that. Shoot.

"Do it." He started to get up all on me. He kept smothering his body on me like he was ready to punch me. He put his forehead against mine in a angry aggressive manner and was ready to punch.

I stepped back, telling him to get away from me but he didn't listen. I started to get scared and what's better is my back hit the wall so he pinned me against the wall. His fists raised in the air and I can feel my heart drop down to my feet. I can't even feel my body anymore.

Another body pushed his body away from mine. "Alright dude enough." I looked at the person and my heart clenched in a relieved way to see Angel. Tears were surrounded my eyes and I let them slip down to my cheek.

"No! Imma kill her. She's messing with me now." He reached out and tried to grab me but a scream left my mouth and I hide myself immediately behind Angel. A frighten cry left my mouth in the act.

Angel harshly pushed him back and held onto his arms so he doesn't launch at me again. "Shut the fuck up." Angel sounded angry.  Angel threw him to the floor and looked at me angry.

"The fuck is wrong with you?! Get lost!"

I can feel every bone in my body shaken up by his yell at me. I'm so scared right now that it took me a few seconds to process what's going on. I make a run for it and went back inside the store.

I had customers lining up angry wondering  where the cashier was. Which that is me. But instead of worrying about them I run to the back of the store and hold on my chest. I'm going to have a panic attack.

I fell to the floor while my breathing was unstable.


Angelos pov next chapter

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