Chapter 23 - Claustrophobia

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Xalianas pov -

My hands were starting to sweat from anxiety. My head was being helpful by giving me awful scenarios that might happen. That includes murder.

We both freeze as we heard the the room door crack open and instantly I see footsteps walking around the room. I just hope he can't see us. Pain runs through my arm from the tight space and since the cast is pretty big, it hurts.

I stand corrected when I hear the closer door open and after a few minutes closer. His shoes were now off. If we hid in there— we would have been dead meat.

I hear a groan escape his mouth and he walked to the bed making my heart pound against my chest loudly. Im freaking scared. I look at Dora who was equally as nervous. The bed then dips down making us smooshed to the dirty floor.

Claustrophobia started to kick in. I wanna get out now. I could quite literally die here. It started to get hot and sweat trickled down my forehead. What the hell is wrong with Dora, why did she pick this place out of all the other places we could have broken into.

Not that I wanna.

"Hello?" I hear him say. My heart dropped down to my stomach. Does he know someone is in here. Or two girls. A relief spread over my body when I hear him speak again saying 'what's up' he's just on the phone taking a call.

"Which girl?" He continued to talk over the phone which someone while me and Dora listened in pain and fear.

"Eh— she had a scarf on her head? What? Why did she come to see you gu—"

"She handed the fake file right? I have the real one here."

"The bodyguards bitch is who she probably was. Was she hot?"

There for sure talking about me from the other day. The file I gave back was fake then, could I get in trouble for that? Well I didn't do it but who would believe me? No one. But that's only if they accuse me of it replacing it with a old one.

I'm so confused right now. They switched it out before I took it. I don't know. If I don't get in trouble or blamed for it then we're good. I cringed at the last statement he made.

"Damn don't get me thinking now." His annoying voice let out a groan that wasn't because he was hurt but maybe some other Haram feelings. I clenched my fist that isn't broken. I wanna punch his pervert face.

"Give me her name." The bed unsinks, I'm assuming he stood up again. I watched as his footsteps walked towards the door and he walked out. Almost immediately when he was out of sight I get myself out of the bed and without thinking I run to the window and started to climb down desperately.

Does followed me and we both didn't say anything until we reached down on the safe ground. Dora hid the latter as if we will be coming here again later. She turned around to me and I looked at her flabbergasted.

"What the hell." What can I say more besides that. So much just happened in a couple of minutes that my mind is buffering. Instead of being scared Dora laughed out more like snorted out

"Did he just call you hot?"

"That's your main concern— seriously?"

"My bad my bad. You're right." I can just tell she wanted to laugh it out so bad. I give her signal to get it out already. At this point it doesn't matter.

"Do you think they will notice it's a fake and they blame me? I could die this time." Her laughter stopped and she faced me. "Hey don't worry. I doubt they did a poorly job on making it look fake. Their most likely professionals at doing this so the gang won't know it's fake and that means they won't blame you."

She has a point. If they do this every day for the rest of their life then I'm sure they know what they're doing. Or else it'll be kinda stupid that they do this for a living but can't make something that's fake look real to replace the real one.

If that makes sense.


I acted as if I just came back from work. Not some strangers house that I broken into and he's also the man that could probably kill me. But he's also the man I forced myself to flirt with. And I regret it every second of my life.

After I prayed I folded everything and went to our room to get some sleep at least. I walked into the room and my heart slips to my stomach a little when I see Ayaan sitting on the bed as if he's waiting for me.

"Assalamalaikum...the bus was late and I was praying." I acted natural and used the best excuse I could think of on the spot. He nodded and gets up. I causally walked to our bed and sat down patting my aching arm.

"Does it hurt." His voice was very off which gives the feelings I felt the other night. He's bipolar, he didn't take his night meds.


"It'll hurt more if you don't do the right thing. Right?" He steps closer to me and grabbed my broken arm and gripped it.

I bit my lips shutting my eyes. "Let go!" He only tighten his grip.

"I hate it when you lie! You were at work but then you walked to an apartment and stayed there for 10 minutes. Who was he." Of course he checked the app to track me.

I have two trackers on me. My phone and my body. Funny right?

"It was a she."


I don't want another broken arm from him. I actually need this arm for later on. "Okay I'm sorry. Can we sleep." It came out softly so I can get him to stop and calm the heck down.

"Why should I?" He grabbed my arm aggressively and shoved it against the bed sheets and laid me down. He came ontop of me and held me down aggressively.

"You are mine. Understand that."

Technically I am but he'll never gain trust or love from me. He's never going to say, 'your heart is mine.' Cuz painfully it ain't. It's no one's it doesn't even feel like it's my own. I hate how I can't and won't be able to have a happy ending ever.


Posting more :)

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