Chapter 12 - The Footage

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D'Angelo pov -



I stood near my car with bags full of junk food that she bought. Her words run through my mind a few more times. Did she just fucking call me Angel? I'm far from what anyone would call 'Angel'

She has no fucking clue how this makes me feel. I clench my fists on the bags making my veins pop out, they look prominent. Any normal person would be smiling like a high schooler girl but I'm far from that.

Anger burns inside of me while I watch her small figure disappear inside. It makes me fucking angry, a part of me wants to walk up to her and grab her neck firmly but not enough to kill her. Instead I locked the car and walked into the building.

Having a ruthless harsh job makes me feel nothing but numbness and sometimes anger. The shit we see everyday will break someone inside forever but I'm trained personally— yes personally. I've been chosen to be the presidents Assassin personally.

Every mission, every fight, gore, and murder, I have to witness and deal with it. I was trained one by one by a professional in the secret TSA ASSASSIN academy. I had to kill prisoners that were rivals and caught. If I didn't kill the men there as my first test than I wouldn't be having any jobs.

Once you sign those god damn papers there's no turning back. I did feel guilty killing the man but I've been killing so many people after that I just lost count and became numb with it. Every emotion in my heart has to go, I was tested on every emotion.

Having those job makes me not interested in dating or even thinking about relationships. The only person I care about without being forced to care about is my sister. So what the fuck is this random women trying to do.


She won't be calling me Angel after she finds out everything. Why does she smile so fucking much. Does she not get tired of smiling.


Fucking leave my head women

After awhile I already gave the snacks to isa  and went to my room. Just as I was about to take of my shirt and get in bed I get a call from Blake. I picked it up, "yeah." I said lowly filling my tone with a lazy one.

"Dude The Vipers killed Faunzo." His words made me clench my jaw. What the fuck is Jaun up to.


"Kai returned the red folder back to Juan after he found nothing in the file but a piece of lined paper with a stupid prank like note." He said groaning and I opened the room door.

How the fuck did that happen? He had the papers inside when they put it in. Kai must be fucking around. "Kai is fucking around— I'm coming" I spoke and cut the call. I texted him that were going to that restaurant and seeing the cameras.

Once I was downstairs i passed by the living room and headed to door in a rush but I was stopped by Isa. "HEY! What happened to the food!!!" She yelled and put her hands on her hip angrily.

I looked at all the junk food in the bag she's holding and looked back at her. She eyes follow and she shook her head. "REAL FOOD!" She yelled again and stepped closer. "Xali!" She just keeps fucking yelling.

I have to fucking go lunatic.

My eyes fall on the familiar figure that called me fucking Angel. "I have to go" I said in a hurry about to leave but Isa held my hand. "No! Why did you let her buy only junk food! That's all she eats, she doesn't eat real food. I have to take her shopping myself because she eats nothing but snacks! It's not dinner!" Her voice was getting louder and louder.

I looked over at the other women, now knowing she doesn't eat healthy makes me feel some kind of anger again. I have to eat healthy considering my job so I care a lot about nutrition and make sure isadora gets it too.

I watched as she played with hands looking down with a pout. I clenched my fists and look back at my sister. "So?" I said lowly and she scoffed. "I care dearly about my friend here, but clearly you don't! Buy us real food! In fact take her with you!" She yelled and I looked at her emotionless.

She's a fucking stranger to me, why should I care if she's eating lollipops for dinner. She ain't nothin to me. "I have to go, I'll order online." I said coldly and rushed out before Isa yells and surrounded me again.

Me and Blake were already in the creamer footage room waiting for the owner to type in the passwords and stuff to get to that time and date it happened. We showed him our badges and he gave us free access easily.

I stare at everything he typed in and which buttons he pressed and which websites he opened. I licked my lips and continue staring as he typed in the code conformation.

He gets up and moves aside. "Here it is folks." He said and I stepped forward and Blake does too. I bring the video footage to Kai who's sitting on the stool causally.

My eyes watched closely, I see how the red file was handed to him and Kia opened it and the papers were in it. The fuck? I clench my jaw while my eyes focus on the screen.

Suddenly the footage showed a women walking up to him and sat down next to him. Next to the file. I zoom in flower trying to see who it is. They were at the restaurant surely yesterday.

After a little flirting in the video my eyes narrowed angrily as the lady takes a lined papers and shoved it in the file and took the papers shoving them in her purse when Kai wasn't look.

I looked at Blake and he looked at me. I looked back at the screen stopping the video and watched the women. My eyes locked it's gaze on the women's head.

A scarf

My hands clenched as I watched the footage again. Just as she turned around my jaw clenched im pure anger. What bothers me more is she's at my place right now with my sister.

I immediately took the hard drive and head towards the door leaving this place in a hurry. Blake is running behind me trying to talk to me but I ignore him and head to my motorcycle just before loading my gun.

"Let me call the pre—" before he can speak i cut him off. "No don't." I said coldly and shoved my gun in my pocket.

"But—" he started but I send a glare at him. "Just do as your fucking told and stay behind me." I said and started my bike. I'm just seconds I raced off towards my place.

She must be a fucking rival, one thing for sure. This bullet won't miss.


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