◍ Chapter 7 ◍

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Here I am at the convenience store, trying to find something to buy Yuna. To be honest, I have no idea what I am buying or why I am doing this.

Am I really that fond of her? I know I just like teasing her.

I pick up one of the snacks-I have no idea what it is-and place it in my pushing cart. And I get another one, a chocolate bar then a snack again. I just get what my eyes laid on.

"What does she like? Oh my goodness, I should ask her favorite instead of just teasing her." With a silent chuckle, I grabbed another chocolate cookie.

"This is harder than my major, wow. Will she eat all of these?"

She can choose whatever she wants to eat after I just buy whatever.

Oh, I forgot the beverages. Since I have no idea what flavor she prefers, I purchase every flavor juice the mall has to offer.

I noticed that my pushing cart was almost full. Is this enough?

I roamed around to look for something that will be convenient for my sick lady.

Oh, a medicine!

I asked a staff member where the medication section was, and she told me I could buy it directly from the cashier, so I made my way to the line.

As I'm waiting for my turn, I felt someone tug my pants. When I looked down, I saw a young child staring up at me while holding a lollipops.

We have a stare-battle for a few minutes then unexpectedly, she sticks her tongue at me.

What a brat! If I kick her she'll fly away.

I am getting frustrated, so I just ignore the child.

Finally, it was my turn.. at first the cashier gets lost staring at me so I fake coughed to get her back to my senses.

Am I that pretty to get starstruck?

"Excuse me, my baby has a fever. I would like to buy her some medicine."

"What medicine do you need?" Cashier said.

"Anything that can treat fever, um?"


After that, I paid for everything I had purchased and got on my sport bike motor.

I know where Yuna lives because I stalked her once when I saw her in a club with her friends. I just make sure that time she will get home safely.

I finally arrived in the building where her condo is. I picked up all the bags and start walking going inside the building.

I smile out of the blue since I'm getting near. I am feeling both anxious and a little excited. Will she let me in or make me dragged by the security here?

I am standing in front of her door right now. I place all of my bags on the floor and press the doorbell. For a brief moment. She opened it and welcomed me with her creased forehead.

"H-hi!" She was completely covered in an oversized jacket, so I am not sure if she was wearing shorts or something else, but I greeted her while glancing at her disheveled hair, glasses on, and clothing. I averted my gaze due to her exposed legs.

Why always the situation makes me that I am a pervert?

But won't lie, she's hotter with casual outfits.

"What brings you here?" Yuna asks with her voice a little bit horse. Gosh, she's sick.

What brings me here? Well, I am not sure either!

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